Saturday, December 18, 2010

EG- # 133 Direct Transformers

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

One of the best ways of refreshing yourself, and being able to accomplish great things, is to learn to live and grow, through SILENCE, and LISTENING, both of these work by putting aside your active mind, and listening with feelings, and being able to have silence within you, to refresh yourself, and to know, what to do any time you are perplexed.

Train yourself, to be able to silence the active voice, within you; this allows you to rest, to be, to breathe with no friction, and to be able to know what's right, for you.

Listening, by silencing, your inner clatter, allows you to experience the total of you, and the beauty of feeling, which works in answers and not questions.

Listening and Silence is within the network we call the Direct Transformers.

This ties, to our knowing- trusting our feelings- and acting without thinking, is the only act we can do to be true to ourselves.

By doing this, we're at our most highest microcosmic consciousness.