Friday, December 4, 2009

EGatherings- 12 Microcosmic Blessings # 3

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

We continue with our listing of blessings you may use, or create your own ( each has Super Microcosmic in front of it ):

1. Super Spirit Flower Blessings
2. Super Positive Dance Blessings
3. Super High Creative Blessings
4. Super High Insight Blessings
5. Super Good Works Blessings
6. Super All Blessings
7. Super Green Garden Blessings
8. Super Organic Foods Blessings
9. Super Inner Listening Blessings
10. Super Silence Blessings
11. Super I whole/full Blessings
12. Super Enjoy Blessings
13. Super High Reach Blessings
14. Super Media Blessings
15. Super I Believe in Me Blessings
16. Super Love Self Blessings
17. Super Green Thumb Blessings
18. Super High Self-Esteem Blessings
19. Super _______ Whisperer Blessings
20. Super In Balance Blessings
21. Super Microcosmic Truth Blessings
22. Super Microcosmic Action Blessings
23. Super Microcosmic Caring Blessings
24. Super Microcosmic Authenticity Blessings
25. Super Microcosmic Sharing Blessings
26. Super Microcosmic Knowledge Blessings
27. Super Computer Blessings
28. Super Auto Blessings
29. Super Truck Blessings
30. Super Theoretical Physics Blessings
31. Super TV Blessings
32. Super Film/Video Blessings
33. Super Digital Blessings
34. Super Happy Blessings

EGatherings- 11 Microcosmic Blessings # 2

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

We continue our listing of Microcosmic Blessings ( remember Super Microcosmic is in front of each ):

1. Super Flowing Spirit Blessings
2. Super Deep Beauty Blessings
3. Super Geo-Energy Blessings
4. Super Flower Energy Blessings
5. Super Hippie Earth Blessings
6. Super Hippie Love Blessings
7. Super Hippie Peace Blessings
8. Super Hippie Tranquility Blessings
9. Super Hippie Psychic Blessing
10. Super Hippie Community Blessings
11. Super Hippie Tribe Blessings
12. Super Hippie Transcendence Blessings
13. Super Hippie Creation Blessings
14. Super Hippie Creativity Blessings
15. Super Spark Blessings
16. Super Protected Open Door Blessings
17. Super Microcosmic Miracles Blessings
18. Super Astrological Points Blessings
19. Super Major Arcana Blessings
20. Super I Ching Blessings
21. Super Positive Populations Blessings
22. Super Positive Paranormal Blessings
23. Super Spirit Faith Blessings
24. Super Good Day Blessings
25. Super Good Samaritan Blessings

EGatherings- 10- Microcosmic Blessings,

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

We use Blessings, to do actions, to enhance our enjoyment, etc.. The Blessings we use as our main ActionMaker
are Microcosmic Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings, Affirm Blessings, and Microcosmic Microcosmic Blessings...which follow ( but are only suggestions, feel free to make up your own ) rmember each has Super Microcosmic in front of them:

1. Super Planetary Blessings
2. Super Star(s) Blessings
3. Super Spirit Blessings
4.Super Joy Blessings
5. Super Deep Love Blessings
6. Super Deep Peace Blessings
7. Super Family Love Blessings
8. Super Human Contact Blessings
9. Super Spirit Life Energy Blessings
10. Contentment Blessings
11. Spirit Justice Blessings
12. Harmony Blessings
13. Harmonic Blessings
14. Super Spirit Love Blessings
15. Super Friendship Blessings
16. Super Spirit Mate Blessings
17. Super Times Blessings
18. Super Networking Blessings
19. Super Transformation Blessings
20. Super Transcendence Blessings
21. Super Money Draw Blessings
22. Super Energy Gathering Blessings
23. Super Spirit Aura Blessings
24. Super Self-Generating Life Energy Blessings
25. Super Inner Truth Blessings

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

EG- 9

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Valentine's, is the time, to remember, those we love,
have friendship with ( hopefully, the one you love, is a best
friend, to you ). You want to do more, for society
in general, community or etc.. Remember- Microcosmic Blessings- are
active Blessings,;they do not need, to have a problem, to work. They
work just as well, for adding enhancement, to something, already
good, but can always be better, or can do more, for those ,it is

Urban settings, in large cities, are the repository, of much violence.
On Valentine's day, put your heart, to work, and bless anyone, and
everything, you want. Its a great Microcosmic Blessing Day.

If you're having trouble with friends, loved ones, or you yourself,
put out Microcosmic Blessings, for everyone, and always, always,
include yourself. We can never have enough Microcosmic Blessings.

Do you have goals you want to achieve? Are you looking at tests,
etc.? Put out those Microcosmic Blessings, and study, so you will come
through, with flying colors?

Universe War is coming up, do Microcosmic Blessings, so this will be
resolved ,with a very little loss, of life.

You can be an active arbitrator, to any situation, where good works is
needed, or wanted. You're really helping others, by doing this. You
are an active Microcosmic Blessings Network Sender.

Create Microcosmic Blessings Circles; create an energy house, of
active Microcosmic Blessings! The world can be greater, than you might
think possible, with your Microcosmic Blessings! This applies equally
to you,;the only limit you have, is the one- you put on yourself.

Do not hesitate, trust your feelings, and build the beauty of you, and
all you do, for yourself, and others. You're a Microcosmic
Blessings, wherever you go.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

When we look at our lives, we want to know- what is the best course of
action, for us, to produce in our lives, and wha'is the best way, to
live that life.

The most energized, of life's actions, to take, is to build friendships,
for friendships, are more, than when you fall in love, because you can
love someone, and still not be friends. Your passion, for the person,
makes you want them, but not in the way, they could become a
friend, because you don't have anything in common.

Friendship means, to build friendship, maintain it in
truth; truth is the forte of the Microcosmic Force. If your relationships
turn to friendships, the Microcosmic Force will be very active in how you
interrelate, as long as you build your relations on truth. The Microcosmic
Force will be with the both of you, and with the relationship, itself.

When you let the friendship go, by lying, cheating, or not being,
authentic and honest, with the person; you're in the realm, of
being on your own. You are creating an environment, even you,
would not have done, to you.

Why do you let friends go, because you can't live up to your own self-
wants of being a friend, to that person. The same goes, for the other
person who lies, etc., to you; they can't be adult enough, to not do
that, which would destroy, the Friendship.

Friendship is more valuable, than love, for the best love
relationships, are those, where the two or more people are friends,
along with being in love.

If you wouldn't want to be this person's friend,;why are you with

The Microcosmic Force, in the friendship relationship, can be drawn upon, to help
all parties, within the friendship to attain the goals, and life wants,
they feel they're working for, to achieve accomplishment,
success and happiness.

The Microcosmic Force is the arbitrer of all friendships; if the Microcosmic Force is
within, and around the friends, then they are living, working and being
in the highest frame of discovery, they can be in. When their
not, they are on their own ( though the Microcosmic Force is right there, when
they turn to truth once again, and forgive themselves and others, and
surrender, to their own spirituality ).

Friendships within business, family, governments are the same, work
honestly, authentically, and the Microcosmic Force is with them; stray from these
attributes, and theMicrocosmic Force isn't with them, until they start practicing
the friendship that builds, and stop acting in behavior, both
self-destructive and others-destructive.

To build the best life, is to live your life as you are the best
friend you or anyone else could ever want.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, here and now.

EG- 7

(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

In the wisdom or foolhardiness, of belieiving in God, it is the
responsibility of the person, to decide that question, for themselves.
I, myself ,don't believe in Gods- period. There may be a being, who
claims to be God, or Gods; you have many religions- all expressing their God is the best, or their Gods are,
etc., however, most of them resist quite violently, if you're to
discuss the possibilities ,of these other Gods, or a Single God of
Choice, etc..

The Dark Ages were the direct consequence, of Christian Religion
developing, into a political power, whowanted the masses, to be kept
in the dark, about the reality of the Universe; they wanted them, to
believe only the religious Christian way- was the right way. This is
the state of the Christian religion, today. it is more a political
episode, than a church, for it wants its beliefs, to be the only
beliefs, in the world. It is violent cult, and has been a violent and
murderous power, over much, of its rise, to fame.

Does this mean Jesus was political. Yes. It means he had a
belief and wanted others to join him in it; as long as he kept it
to the spirit and the lifestyle of the populace, he was a preacher, but
when, he went into the church and destroyed the idols, and trade booths
in the church, he became a political radical.

He became in that one instant, not a holy man, but a radical
guerrilla, who would resort to violence, to make the world, into the way
he wanted it to be. He lost his frame of reference, and became, as
those he said he wasn't.

However, Jesus, at no time, said he was
perfect, only that his was the way to find the one God; if
there was a reward, for him, it would be after he died. In this one
message, he caused a new political consciousness, to be born, in that no
matter what your life is on the physical,;you will be rewarded, if you
live right; right being the way the Christians believed. He made the
bodymind into something that has to be worn, then discarded, like
an old rag. It doesn't matter what happens to the bodymind; its only
the spirit, and the aftermath of how you lived your life, you need care about.

If we were to say the treatment of the bodymind, and its freedom,
to be free, to live an exemplary life, is part of living the good life,
then Chrisitainity would not be the way to live; f it tries, to make
the body into the criminal, that makes the spirit wicked, and does all
those things that are to be kept from the true Christian. Like
pleasure, laughter, joy, happiness, etc., only the truly gruesome
austurity, is the right way, to live. The body isn't the ememy; its
those who have to suffe,r to learn, who is the enemy. You don't have to
die to be in a heaven- you can create it on earth; at the same
time- create Earth into a heaven by caretaking it, rather than, trying
to destroy it, and yourself, by your ever increasing greed.

When you come into the bodymind- you do so, in a symbiotic wholeness;
in that the bodymind responds ,to the spiri,t and the spirit responds
to the body. It is the holistic effect and holistic wholeness, of each
being responsible, to the other, for what it does.

You are responsible, for your bodymind; it's just as important as
your spirit; it reflects your spirit, to turn away from it, to
flog it, to do anything to it, is to create the sin that Christians
want to get away from. Your bodymind is you, and to do something to
it, is to do something against your whole being.

You are responsible for you. At first, this may cause anguish, of
realizing, there is no one you can blame, but yourself, but then you
will realize, what freedom, truly means.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Egatherings- 6

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

What can we say is the difference between most religions of the world
and our Self-Genesis, or Jedi Knights. The most obvious is- we're
microcosmic; they are macrocosmic. What does this mean?

Self-Genesis means we created ourselves- out of nothing, because
we felt we needed to do that, for our own growth. Where we were
experiencing, existing, and having no essence, was fine, until we
became aware of others, and wanted, to be able to share with them. To
do so, we needed, to have a place, in which, we could be limited, and be
able to not be bound by it, yet, could use it to communicate, with

We created Spirit and within, spirit is both limitation

It is paradox.

This is our lesson, for today. Paradox. Life is paradox, for it
creates the lower vibration, of conflict, or not the same, and in, not
the same, meets not the same me, the movement against each other creates
the flow of life energy, in which, boundaries are recognized, and
separateness is recognized, and seen, as a necessity of being, who you
are, while being in the community of others. We must have boundaries,
to create you, and me, but the boundaries are not solid, but are capable
of touch contact, and in touch contact, I can feel you, and you can feel

In this state of life energy flows, comes the knowledge, the
touch contact is still energy; what we want is to be able to touch
the being in his/her/its expression of itself, in a more slower and
stabler form, so the universes were created by the Prime. Spirits
began to go into the creations of Prime, at first, they went in at
full strength and burned up the bodies. Prime didn't like this, so he
made it impossible, for them to go in fullness, but they could create
a damper fullness, which could go in, and would not burn up the
bodymind- so it died. It still didn't mean, they would forget, who they
were, but they would be able to experience the universe as a being,
rather than just a spirit.

At first -they went in and could meditate and bring the bodymind up to
their fullness level, but they grew bored with that, and started just
experiencing within the damper fullness, which they created out of
themselves, and was still themselves. They started to explore the
whats and whys, of the environment, they found themselves in. They began
to look outside, for information, and slowly, started prefering,
the sensations, and sensitives, they found out there. This is the
cause of them losing sight, they are spirit, and not a limited
being, within a physical universe. They not only chose, to live in the
physical universe, but they blocked themselves off, from the rest of
their spirit, because it didn't want to physically experience.
They began, to believe, their Spirit wanted them to be what they weren't;
fear entered their life.

This is the fall of Spirit- to Mundane sensations.


(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

What is a Jedi?

We are members of the 8th largest religion in Britian. We are
independent members, in the U.S.. What does this mean? Are the Jedi
real, and not just a story, George Lucas wrote about, and then, made into
a movie.

In life, many times people do thing,s for what they feel is one reason,
but in reality, there are multi-reasons, and multi-connections, going
far beyond, what they may see, for their creative output or actions.

This is one of them. Lucas introduced Jedi, and the world made Jedi
Knights into a real phenomenon. We are putting it on the next step,
making the ideas of the movie, and the actions within that movie,
into a real spiritual path, utilizing the Microcosmic Force, within the context
the Microcosmic Force is created within you, by you acting in the only way
you can act- to be true to yourself. Truth is within you; truth
outside of you- can be said- to be true or not, or is open to
questioning; self-truth is not, it is, and that's all there is to it.

Others may look at it, from their own ideas, but that's there minds;
reason is a limited resource, it isn't the way. Open your mind, trust the Microcosmic Force and
act within its action, which must become real, for it is truth, and
truth- becomes reality, because the world must transform, to welcome it,
for anything, but truth, is weaker than, the truth, of the Microcosmic Force. The
Microcosmic Force creates truth, and mental truths cannot stand up to it.

We Jedi, here in the U.S., have created another network, for those
wishing to be Jedi, and that is the Jedi Ranger, we are working with
Earth Rangers, to make the world populations, aware, of their responsibility in being
caretakers, not rapists, of the world.

Now what is my background and why do I call myself a Jedi Knight, and
a Dream Dancer.

A Jedi Knight is one who utilizes the Force, but still envisions a
higher power outside of themselves. They still look outside of
themselves, for this higher source of good. This is their way of being-
within the Force.

Dream Dancers are those, who sees the highest source, for them, is found,
within them. There is no higher power outside of themselves, and all
have the potential to be themselves, and utilize the only act they can
do- to be true to themselves, and have no need, of a higher power,
outside of themselves. Dieties become a way of a person not taking
personal responsibility of choice, as the guiding facto,r in their

There is no right or wrong way in this, its only what you're
comfortable with.

My name is Zoua ( Terry Floyd Johnson ) I have studied psychic
sciences, Eygptian religion ( became an Egyptian priest, but left
this, as it did not feel right ), Eastern Religion/Philosophy/Yoga (
went through Samadhi and left this ), went through Sorcery ( became a
sorcerer and left this ) studied on my own, when I first started out,
I meditated 10-12 hours a day, for three years, then left that, as I
didn't come down here, to not live. I am now a Dream Dancer, and a
Jedi Knight trainer.

I am an UFO Abductee and Contactee, and expect a war, with the ETs,
that will between ETs, Old Ones/Etc./Primitives, Jedi, Dream Dancers.

Revelations is in full progress and Armageddon is not Earth, but the
whole Universe caught up in a full Universe war.

May the Force be with You!


(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2002-2009

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

In the activities, which one may do to help themselves, using
visualization is a most energetic method. Here are some of the ways
you can do this:

1. Creative Fantasy- lead yourself down a story line, after relaxing
all of your bodymind, aspect by aspect, and find treasure and
adventure along your trip, come back to the bodymind- and awaken. Go
over your trip and what you see, and see what meaning it has for you.

2. Imagine someone famous, and hold a coversation with them, ask
them the questions bothering you.

3. Do you have problems you don't believe you can get through? Then
ask Jesus, God, The Holy Spirit, Budda, Confucious, Ghandi, Mohammed, Dream Dancer, Jedi,
etc. ,to help you with it, depending on who you are comfortable with?

4. The Microcosmic Force is Truth, the only act or thought you can do to be true
to yourself. Hold a conversation with the Microcosmic Force, and see what Truth,
you need- to act upon.

5. Autosuggestion: Use to sympbolize what you want you want your Super Keywords
to stand for, to help you become the you you want to be. Create a Super Keyword, to strengthen all Super Keywords you have come up with, to help you.

6. If you have conflicts going on: Choose a character, for each of the
conflicts, then hold coversations, with each.

7. In holding a conversation: role play ( Gestalt Therapy ) have two
chairs, you are one, the other is the character. Start off in your
chair, and ask, " What do you have to say to me? ", then go to the
other chair and answer you as the character. Be honest, authenic. Keep going till you feel done.

The Microcosmic Force you create isn't used up in what actions you do, it stays within your aura or bodymind for a while, but no tfor long; the Microcosmic Force acts in the only way it can- to be true to
itself. This acting in the only way it can means it will soon be
gone, and on its own growth non-linear journeys.

You are the Microcosmic Force, and at the same time, create theMicrocosmic Force by being true
to who you are, and what you want to do. You know this by listening to you,
honestly and without trying to edit it.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you now!

Egatherings- 3

(c) Reverend Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2002-2009

We are here today, to start giving Gatherings, for those, who are
interested in studying, or simply want to know more about the
spiritual philosophy Self-Genesis, the philosophy, psychology and
political stance of the Jedi Knights, Jedi Rangers and Dream Dancers.

In all mystical works and actions, first you must put a protection
shield around yourself, and the others, you're gathering with.

Close your eyes, see a beautiufl Crystal White Light Shield surrounding you-
360 degrees, it is curving, round and a sphere or globe. It
surrounds you totally, including your Aura ( your Aura is an energy
field that surrounds you, there is nothing that exists that
isn't life, even if in physical form, it's inanimate, in life, it's
alive, with life energy, and life.

Now, for the Lesson or the Truth- today: We create the Microcosmic Force, by doing
those acts we have to do to be true to ourselves. We are the Living
example of the Microcosmic Force, and the Microcosmic Force is Super Microcosmic Truth,
yet the truth is individual, and directed toward this act; the Microcosmic Force
is much more than this; it is the creative impulse, to do that
which is true, but isn't contained in that impulse, but is capable of
bringing about, that which needs to be acted upon, in the only way you
can, and remain true to yourself.

The Microcosmic Force is the truth of the action, of any action, a Jedi Knight,
Jedi Ranger or Earth Ranger or Dream Dancer does.

The Microcosmic Force is not limited, simply, to creating the action wanted done,
but over creates, so the act is surrounded by truth, as wel,l and
this truth encirclement, goes off into the universe, when its's done,
with truth found, and completed. The Microcosmic Force is within/outside the Universe
and stays Truth, but the Truth is now doing its own truth as it comes
it is in, it's the Microcosmic Force of the Universe, creating Truth, by being
truth, within the Microcosmic Force.

The Microcosmic Force isn't simply mundane, but is spiritual, and psychic, so it
can be used- to discover, within the Discovernaut ( those who are just
beginning the truth of Self-Genesis and the Microcosmic Force, as well as, those
who are masters within it ) that which, is beyond, the person's
individual awareness of themsleves; it can bridge time, space and everything
else, to make the person's life,- the true path for him, her, it.

The Microcosmic Force creates the Microcosmic Force, so any life energy, of the Microcosmic Force, is
creating new life energy Microcosmic Force, within the Truth of the Microcosmic Force, to
create itself, to expand, and give out its life energy into the
Universe, thus the Universe has the Microcosmic Force, and then, all untruth
that comes about, because of the games people, and non-people, play, can be transformed by being inudated by the Microcosmic Force Crystal White Light and Light Energy.

Yes, Agnes, we believe in the existence, and the interactive
criminality, of ETs involving themselves- in human life, but this is
for those, who want to study this, but when faced with a question of
the existence of UFOs and ETs- the truth is they exist, and are
inimical, at least the interstellar, traveling ETs; where, other, more
primitive races, across the Universe, have the same experience, with
them, as we do. We must stop the ETs cold, and with the help of
all our co-captor friends- we will be.

Everyone is welcome to the gatherings, no one is denied access, to the
gathering, but those, who are into power and the dark, will not find
it comfortable being here, for we act and work and live in theMicrocosmic Force-
the truth- of our beings. This is in direct contrast to power and the dark.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you! You are the creator and the utilizer of the Microcosmic Force!

You are the builder of your life; and the one who gets the reward of living and acting within the Microcosmic Force!

Egatherings- 2

This blog is for spiritual sharing of the ways of the Jedi, Dream Dancers, Self-Genesis Philosophy, and Dream Symbology.

It will have weekly sharings of wisdom; old and new Serenities, Affirmations, Psychic Visions, and much more.

Video, when appropriate, will be added as well.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Egatherings- 1

Teachings; (c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

EGatherings is a spiritual journey on questiongs of life, how to handle life, and how to live spiritually, in the best possible life path.

These will be listed on this blog, everytime, we have a jewel to impart to you, the reader.