(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009
In the wisdom or foolhardiness, of belieiving in God, it is the
responsibility of the person, to decide that question, for themselves.
I, myself ,don't believe in Gods- period. There may be a being, who
claims to be God, or Gods; you have many religions- all expressing their God is the best, or their Gods are,
etc., however, most of them resist quite violently, if you're to
discuss the possibilities ,of these other Gods, or a Single God of
Choice, etc..
The Dark Ages were the direct consequence, of Christian Religion
developing, into a political power, whowanted the masses, to be kept
in the dark, about the reality of the Universe; they wanted them, to
believe only the religious Christian way- was the right way. This is
the state of the Christian religion, today. it is more a political
episode, than a church, for it wants its beliefs, to be the only
beliefs, in the world. It is violent cult, and has been a violent and
murderous power, over much, of its rise, to fame.
Does this mean Jesus was political. Yes. It means he had a
belief and wanted others to join him in it; as long as he kept it
to the spirit and the lifestyle of the populace, he was a preacher, but
when, he went into the church and destroyed the idols, and trade booths
in the church, he became a political radical.
He became in that one instant, not a holy man, but a radical
guerrilla, who would resort to violence, to make the world, into the way
he wanted it to be. He lost his frame of reference, and became, as
those he said he wasn't.
However, Jesus, at no time, said he was
perfect, only that his was the way to find the one God; if
there was a reward, for him, it would be after he died. In this one
message, he caused a new political consciousness, to be born, in that no
matter what your life is on the physical,;you will be rewarded, if you
live right; right being the way the Christians believed. He made the
bodymind into something that has to be worn, then discarded, like
an old rag. It doesn't matter what happens to the bodymind; its only
the spirit, and the aftermath of how you lived your life, you need care about.
If we were to say the treatment of the bodymind, and its freedom,
to be free, to live an exemplary life, is part of living the good life,
then Chrisitainity would not be the way to live; f it tries, to make
the body into the criminal, that makes the spirit wicked, and does all
those things that are to be kept from the true Christian. Like
pleasure, laughter, joy, happiness, etc., only the truly gruesome
austurity, is the right way, to live. The body isn't the ememy; its
those who have to suffe,r to learn, who is the enemy. You don't have to
die to be in a heaven- you can create it on earth; at the same
time- create Earth into a heaven by caretaking it, rather than, trying
to destroy it, and yourself, by your ever increasing greed.
When you come into the bodymind- you do so, in a symbiotic wholeness;
in that the bodymind responds ,to the spiri,t and the spirit responds
to the body. It is the holistic effect and holistic wholeness, of each
being responsible, to the other, for what it does.
You are responsible, for your bodymind; it's just as important as
your spirit; it reflects your spirit, to turn away from it, to
flog it, to do anything to it, is to create the sin that Christians
want to get away from. Your bodymind is you, and to do something to
it, is to do something against your whole being.
You are responsible for you. At first, this may cause anguish, of
realizing, there is no one you can blame, but yourself, but then you
will realize, what freedom, truly means.