Wednesday, April 28, 2010

EG- # 19

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Why do we need Jedi? What is the purpose of the Jedi? Isn't God
enough, doesn't all things come from him? Isn't he our Creator?
Doesn't he give to us what we need, or never gives us more than we
can handle? Isn't woman supposed to be male dominated?

The Jedi doesn't have to be needed, to be here; the Jedi are here
because they choose to be. They don't have or need anyone's permission- to
exist; they exist- to help themselves, and to help others, when
they feel it's right, and necessary, to do so. The Jedi are guided,
and guide the Microcosmic Force, not by command, but by the Mircosmic Truth, they create
by acting without thinking. The Microcosmic Force is created within each of us,
and those, who act in accord, with that action, are doing so, because
they feel the Microcosmic Truth of the action, and ac,t without
thinking. This means a simple act can change the Universe, and
far beyond.

The Jedi do not need a purpose to exist, they exist because it's
their own inner Truth, for them to do so. No outside agent has
anything to say about the existence of the inidividual Jedi, except
the person themselves. They're the highest source, for their action,
within their Microcosmic Wholeness/Full.

Dream Dancers know there are no Gods, and the highest source, for
you, is to look to your own Microcosmic Whole/Full. You self-create,
and you self-created yourself, out of your own being, by limiting
yourself, to the different physical worlds/universes/etc.; you've never
ever being held, without having the way to intricate yourself out of
any situation, if you use it. Deny your own Microcosmic Truth,
and you won't know what that is.

In both, the path of the Jedi and the path of the Dream Dancer, there
is no difference, in the ability, of a man or a woman, to attain Jedi
hood, and/or become a Dream Dancer. No man has dominance over a
woman; any who try, or do, are acting against their own natures of
not needing to be dominant, only loving, in the aware Jedi/Dream
Dancer Way.

Women are just as high energy as the male. No one has the right to
dominate someone, and try to rule their lives. Women who walk the way
of the Jedi or Dream Dancer, know they're equal, in their
potential, to know themselves. Their cultural bias and learning, has
to be let go, so they can become themselves: Jedi or Dream Dancer.

Women: start looking at the tapes- you have in your mind, that you do
without thinking; the ones that make you slave to men, let go of,
those that support your false view of yourself; to to be free, create within you the will to love, starting with yourself.

If you have a dominant and cruel person in your life, Microcosmic Bless them, so they leave you alone. Microcosmic Bless the positive, individual building tapes, within you, as well.

Men: Do the same, but any tape which says you're better, than a
woman, women are weak, etc., dump. Find the ones which respect women,
and know they're just as capable as men. They're worthy persons
to be Jedi and/or Dream Dancers. Men, support the ones, which work toward
being a Jedi or a Dream Dancer; let go of those that make any
male- a male sexist. This isn't only hurting others, it hurts you;
it doesn't allow you to be whole, only limited, and living, in a
fantasy, that hurts others, and doubly, hurts you.

Remember- life is made up of curves, rounds, globes and circles.
The Microcosmic Force is all of these, and beyond all of them, but it works with
the joy of space, and not having to control anything, but flows with
what is Microcosmic Necessary, for itself, to do.

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