Tuesday, November 17, 2009


(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

When we look at our lives, we want to know- what is the best course of
action, for us, to produce in our lives, and wha'is the best way, to
live that life.

The most energized, of life's actions, to take, is to build friendships,
for friendships, are more, than when you fall in love, because you can
love someone, and still not be friends. Your passion, for the person,
makes you want them, but not in the way, they could become a
friend, because you don't have anything in common.

Friendship means, to build friendship, maintain it in
truth; truth is the forte of the Microcosmic Force. If your relationships
turn to friendships, the Microcosmic Force will be very active in how you
interrelate, as long as you build your relations on truth. The Microcosmic
Force will be with the both of you, and with the relationship, itself.

When you let the friendship go, by lying, cheating, or not being,
authentic and honest, with the person; you're in the realm, of
being on your own. You are creating an environment, even you,
would not have done, to you.

Why do you let friends go, because you can't live up to your own self-
wants of being a friend, to that person. The same goes, for the other
person who lies, etc., to you; they can't be adult enough, to not do
that, which would destroy, the Friendship.

Friendship is more valuable, than love, for the best love
relationships, are those, where the two or more people are friends,
along with being in love.

If you wouldn't want to be this person's friend,;why are you with

The Microcosmic Force, in the friendship relationship, can be drawn upon, to help
all parties, within the friendship to attain the goals, and life wants,
they feel they're working for, to achieve accomplishment,
success and happiness.

The Microcosmic Force is the arbitrer of all friendships; if the Microcosmic Force is
within, and around the friends, then they are living, working and being
in the highest frame of discovery, they can be in. When their
not, they are on their own ( though the Microcosmic Force is right there, when
they turn to truth once again, and forgive themselves and others, and
surrender, to their own spirituality ).

Friendships within business, family, governments are the same, work
honestly, authentically, and the Microcosmic Force is with them; stray from these
attributes, and theMicrocosmic Force isn't with them, until they start practicing
the friendship that builds, and stop acting in behavior, both
self-destructive and others-destructive.

To build the best life, is to live your life as you are the best
friend you or anyone else could ever want.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, here and now.

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