Saturday, November 7, 2009

Egatherings- 6

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

What can we say is the difference between most religions of the world
and our Self-Genesis, or Jedi Knights. The most obvious is- we're
microcosmic; they are macrocosmic. What does this mean?

Self-Genesis means we created ourselves- out of nothing, because
we felt we needed to do that, for our own growth. Where we were
experiencing, existing, and having no essence, was fine, until we
became aware of others, and wanted, to be able to share with them. To
do so, we needed, to have a place, in which, we could be limited, and be
able to not be bound by it, yet, could use it to communicate, with

We created Spirit and within, spirit is both limitation

It is paradox.

This is our lesson, for today. Paradox. Life is paradox, for it
creates the lower vibration, of conflict, or not the same, and in, not
the same, meets not the same me, the movement against each other creates
the flow of life energy, in which, boundaries are recognized, and
separateness is recognized, and seen, as a necessity of being, who you
are, while being in the community of others. We must have boundaries,
to create you, and me, but the boundaries are not solid, but are capable
of touch contact, and in touch contact, I can feel you, and you can feel

In this state of life energy flows, comes the knowledge, the
touch contact is still energy; what we want is to be able to touch
the being in his/her/its expression of itself, in a more slower and
stabler form, so the universes were created by the Prime. Spirits
began to go into the creations of Prime, at first, they went in at
full strength and burned up the bodies. Prime didn't like this, so he
made it impossible, for them to go in fullness, but they could create
a damper fullness, which could go in, and would not burn up the
bodymind- so it died. It still didn't mean, they would forget, who they
were, but they would be able to experience the universe as a being,
rather than just a spirit.

At first -they went in and could meditate and bring the bodymind up to
their fullness level, but they grew bored with that, and started just
experiencing within the damper fullness, which they created out of
themselves, and was still themselves. They started to explore the
whats and whys, of the environment, they found themselves in. They began
to look outside, for information, and slowly, started prefering,
the sensations, and sensitives, they found out there. This is the
cause of them losing sight, they are spirit, and not a limited
being, within a physical universe. They not only chose, to live in the
physical universe, but they blocked themselves off, from the rest of
their spirit, because it didn't want to physically experience.
They began, to believe, their Spirit wanted them to be what they weren't;
fear entered their life.

This is the fall of Spirit- to Mundane sensations.

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