Saturday, December 18, 2010

EG- # 133 Direct Transformers

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

One of the best ways of refreshing yourself, and being able to accomplish great things, is to learn to live and grow, through SILENCE, and LISTENING, both of these work by putting aside your active mind, and listening with feelings, and being able to have silence within you, to refresh yourself, and to know, what to do any time you are perplexed.

Train yourself, to be able to silence the active voice, within you; this allows you to rest, to be, to breathe with no friction, and to be able to know what's right, for you.

Listening, by silencing, your inner clatter, allows you to experience the total of you, and the beauty of feeling, which works in answers and not questions.

Listening and Silence is within the network we call the Direct Transformers.

This ties, to our knowing- trusting our feelings- and acting without thinking, is the only act we can do to be true to ourselves.

By doing this, we're at our most highest microcosmic consciousness.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

EG # 132 Peace

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

If it is hard for you to feel, visualize the Microcosmic Force, first, use the visualization of it as Peace; create Peace, build Peace, maintain Peace, utilize Peace, as a real energy, building peaceful movements, creating the answer, you want, in tandem, with the Microcosmic Force.

Peace, Silence, Listening, Feeling, Doing, Joy, Happiness, etc., are all qualities, and drives, of the Microcosmic Force, but the Microcosmic Force is not limited by these, but stands beyond all of them.

Yet, to train yourself, in how to utilize- the Microcosmic Force- Practice, Do, Create, Maintain your Self, your Bodymind, in the quality, the drive, the creative energy, of Peace!

Peace lives in your actions, your movements, your thoughts, your feelings, your wants, your needs, and all that you are, for it is a choice, of how, to live your life, to the divinity/Spirit, within you, your Self-Genesis.

Peace is felt in love, tranquility, joy, happiness, accomplishment, trust in your feelings, blessings, etc., live your life, being a creator of Peace, and through this attainment, act without thinking, doing the only act you can do to be true to yourself.

Monday, May 24, 2010

EG- # 131

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What is the strongest energy in the physical, mental worlds- Love.
Love is a meaning, of the ability, within you, to share, with another, and
at the same time, realize, there are two, not one.

Love, means allowing the other person(s), to be 100% of themselves, and
you be- 100%, of yourself.

Love is only smothering, when you use it to fill in what you feel you
don't have within yourself. Love here isn't love, but vamping.

Love means being self-responsible, allowing others, to be
self-responsible to.

Love means sharing, with others, caring with others, and living with
others, by allowing them, to make their own decisions, and doing what
they need, to be, to grow, on their spiritual paths.

Love means- if the person you love needs to go on, to go beyond
your love, it means letting them go, and by doing so, growing, within
yourself, to realize- love can bring happiness and unhappiness, at
the same time- Paradox.

To be able to love anyone, you must first love yourself.

Rescuing, dependence, ownership of another, cruelty, violent
relationships are not Love, they're expressions of power, and wanting
to control other(s). Don't confuse the two.

Love of a child, is when you realize, and work from, the child
has its own path; you're there to nuture and guide, without
putting the child into a way, that isn't their way, but your way, for
your own ego, or you own cultural belief, this is the best, for
anyone to do. Allow the child to follow their own path

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

EG # 130

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Community, to the Jedi and Dream Dancers, mean something different,
than it does, in the macrocosmic worlds, most people, try to live

In Macro societies, life is bred, to interact with each other, so
leaders can form, then lead the others, while using this power, to
gather, their own personal wealth.

This is the Hierarchial Society; where everyone gets to be in their
own level; they have to fight, to be able to jump levels, or come
up with a better scheme, which will rule out a scheme, already going

Survival of the wealthiest, means the wealthy keep getting wealthy;
the rest of the people, they don't give a damn about.

This is the American Way.

Jedi/Dream Dancers see community, as a network, where each person, trust
their feelings, and act in the only way they can to be true to
themselves. There are no leaders, only actioneers, who start a
movement, with the boundary, of what's important to them, then others,
who see it ( or feel it, without seeing the actual movement ) feel if
they want to do something with it or not. If they do- they don't use
it as it is, but utilize its inner works, to create new add on, or
create a totally new path, which works with the first, but is a new
entity- unto itself.

The other path is total annihilation, of the original energy,
transforming, to a new whole, which reflects, the new person's view of
the first, or gives rise to new actions, in the listener, who uses its
energy reflection, within him/her, to start a whole new train of action.

This works, for any energy, action, thought, etc., for others, do not
simply accept the action energy, from a person, they're viewing, but
use it as a stimulus, to reflect, where they're at- here and now.

Network community works and thrives on- here and now, trusting
their feelings, and acting, to make what they see, into a real
experience, in reality.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

EG- # 129

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

We are not alone in the Universe. We have found out, over the
centuries, the hard way, by our races being kidnapped, taken aboard
spaceships, and have criminal activity, done to us.

These same criminals, and new additions, are readying, to expand
the war, they have, and are, waging against the human race.

We're in a war, with them, but we have the double whammy- of having, to
overcome the psychological/physiological/social damage and control,
they have put on us abductees, and our friends, who are used, in a
variety of ways.

We have to work now, to free ourselves, from these compunctions, they've put on us, and start a counterinsurgency movment, to keep our
freedom, this means making the earth, all of earth, free and

Religions and states are the curse of government and organization, in
keeping citizens, and others, organized, by threat, and so called
justice. This is because they have investment, in keeping people ,under
their thumb/control, so they make money, and enjoy great wealth, while
keeping 99% of the rest of humanity without, or living, on the edge, of

Free yourself; begin to deprogram your programming, put within you,
by the Constellation/Ancients.

Start with affirmation, meditation and recognizing the value, and the
deep knowledge, found within symbology.

May the MicrocosmicForce be with You!

EG- # 128

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Everyone wants to know- how do I exist, who or what created me, am I
only this bodymind, or do I exist apart, from my bodymind. Am I limited
by my bodymind, or do I, or can I, go beyond- its physica/mental limitations?

The answer- to all of the above, is Self-Genesis, No one or no
supernatural force outside yourself, created you; you created you,
because it was the only act you could do to be true to yourself. You
continue to do so, as long as, it is microcosmically necessary, for you,
to do so.

This means- you reincarnate, in different environments and forms/shapes;
you reflect what you feel you need to do to be true to yourself.

The physical/mental existence you're living, in the Universe, isn't
limiting on you, you use the Universe, to learn, to test, to feel,
to know, to see and to bring your theories, to see, if they're right or
wrong, for you.

What goes before the creation of the spirit- ,

,; what you are you can never know, for
it's beyond the scope of human limitation, to know it, when you
think you may have a clue about it; it isn't that anymore. Whatever we
may be able to know of ,

, is what it may have been, and never
what it is, or it may be a movement, but your ability to interpret it
will be limited by your ability to know what's truly moving.

It is Paradox- you're more than you seem; you can never know
all you are, because you are life, and life is, before it is capable of
being studied or felt, etc., this is acting without thinking and far,
far, far beyond it.

Paradox gives rise to life; life gives rise, to dreams of doing,
doing gives rise, to finding the way to accomplish what you
want/will be done, to express the only act you can do to be true to

This is true creation, in doing the only act you can
do to be true to your total self, you create the Microcosmic Force,
Microcosmic Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings, Affirm Blessings, which blesses the act you
are doing, which is true for you, and anyone else, who may see it,
but they will see in it, the only act they can do to be true to
themselves, thus truth is individual, to each of us, yet can be known,
through the action, of the environment, and life around us.

Practice peace, love, tranquility, relaxation, focus on your third
eye, know it's your whole being, not just a single place upon
your bodymind.

Spiritual movement is different, than physical movement;
spiritual movement is vibratory movement, transform of place and
event, occurs instantanously, without thought, simply acting to the
only act you can do to be true to yourself.

This, and any act of truth, you do, creates the Microcosmic Force, but at the same
time, you create the Microcosmic Force, simply by your spirit and bodymind, they
are the only act you can do to be true to yourself.

The Microcosmic Force, draws the Microcosmic Force to it, so you are within the ntework of the
Microcosmic Force 24/7, and beyond.

You may work in a guide and guided relationship, with the Microcosmic Force, or you
can use it as a check on what you're doing, or as a creative partner,
who you work with, to finalize your thoughts, your ideas and your actions.

May the Microcosmic Force work, with you, instantanously, or in act by act!

EG- # 127

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Paradox is the creation of life, meaning- opposites of each other,
happening at the exact same time, creates whole life. Opposition doesn't
necessarily mean conflict, it can mean interaction, leading to new
forms, ideas, thoughts, creativity, awareness of life and yourself.

Paradox is the key to life; o living. Those who want to keep
opposites out of their life ( we're not talking about negativity, but
positive energy flows, circles, prototype beginnings, etc. ) are
restricting their ability, to be creative, thoughtful, aware, authentic
and open, to their own inner and outer happenings.

Negativity flows are that, which has been created by a being, etc., in
holding in/back/down/blocking out/repressing. This can be in no
formal being, but simply, in the flows of energy, in flowing
together, have natural reactions- of holding back, stopping, wanting to
build trust- rather than accepting carte blanche, etc..

Negative reactions can be good, or they can build upon a being's
unwillingness, to look at something, within themselves, or outside of
themselves, creating fear, of the unknown, fear of a known, or feelings
of clairvoyance, where you feel something going on, even if you aren't
involved, in it.

This last negativity, is that, which we work, to transform; the
difficulty level, is how armored you are, making your reaction-response,
to it. You deny it, then it is very strong, because you're denying
yourself. Work out that negativity.

Some use negative actions, etc., as the way to get through life,
to one-upmanship against all, within their environments; these people
are in denial, of that ,which is going on within them, and take perverse
pleasure, in getting something over- another being. This can only happen
to the extent, you allow them, to control you.

You're responsible, for your protection, so it's advisable, to learn
one of the martial arts ( boxing, though well thought of- is a method
that causes damage, and sometimes, permanent damage, to the fighters,
thus is a negative application of self-defense ); my favorite is Kenpo
Karate, started by Ed Parker - now deceased - Joe Dimmick was my
instructor; a very good one, too. Martial arts is a flow creating
methodology, allowing you to be grounded, centered and defensive, in
that you use your opponents strengths against them.

Tai Kwan Do, is another good martial art, in many dojos, they do
medtiation, healing and study the spirituality, behind the techniques
and kicks, of the style. My only concern with this is, these are
macrocosmic ideas, and do not correlate, with my microcosmic ones.

Remember- in all areas, where you meet others, or other things, you
practice touch-contact, with them. In doing this, you're creating an
environment, where both, can get, the most, out of the experience, if they
want or choose to. It's the responsibility, of each person/being, to
make that choice, for his/her/it self.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!