Wednesday, May 26, 2010

EG # 132 Peace

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

If it is hard for you to feel, visualize the Microcosmic Force, first, use the visualization of it as Peace; create Peace, build Peace, maintain Peace, utilize Peace, as a real energy, building peaceful movements, creating the answer, you want, in tandem, with the Microcosmic Force.

Peace, Silence, Listening, Feeling, Doing, Joy, Happiness, etc., are all qualities, and drives, of the Microcosmic Force, but the Microcosmic Force is not limited by these, but stands beyond all of them.

Yet, to train yourself, in how to utilize- the Microcosmic Force- Practice, Do, Create, Maintain your Self, your Bodymind, in the quality, the drive, the creative energy, of Peace!

Peace lives in your actions, your movements, your thoughts, your feelings, your wants, your needs, and all that you are, for it is a choice, of how, to live your life, to the divinity/Spirit, within you, your Self-Genesis.

Peace is felt in love, tranquility, joy, happiness, accomplishment, trust in your feelings, blessings, etc., live your life, being a creator of Peace, and through this attainment, act without thinking, doing the only act you can do to be true to yourself.

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