Thursday, May 20, 2010

EG- # 96

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Home is not where your hat is; home is within you. A house, cabin,
land, apartments etc., are not your home; they're a place, where you
make yourself comfortable ( or not- you simply exist there ) and
create an environment, which reflects you.

Houses, buildings, etc., are simply human caves; acting to keep the
weather off of you, allowing you, to be sucked into the living, within
the culture, who wants to turn you into a cultural zombie.

Economic philosophies want to find the best way, for a person, to do
business, which will ensnare another, to buy from him or her, at a price,
the seller wants, and the buyer wants, at a lesser price.

Salesmanship is where you convince another what isn't in his/her
best interest. Non-manipulative salesmanship, is where you work
with the buyer, to understand his need, and fulfill it, not for just
making a sale ,but to make their life better, or their business work,

Homes are sold by real estate persons, who want to make the sale,
usually, they will tell you anything- just under being criminal, to
get you to buy and fulfill their need, for their commission ( not all
agents do this, but a majority do ). They see a human as a
thing-prospect, dehumanizing the person, who's looking to acquire
a home, and a dehuman isn't a human, so anything goes with them.

Top salespersons say- if a buyer comes into their place or work,
or they go to theirs; they're giving that salesperson, the right to
sell them, to whatever it takes ( this is equal to a business
only exists to make a profit, making them a virus, and not a member of
the community, to do whatever it takes to get the sales. After the sales, the good
salesperson, keeps the person knowing about them, so they will come
into their clutches, more times, when the buyer's in the market, for
the type of goods, they have.

Homeowners, then, when they're ready to sell, want to get a killer
price, for their homes, so they become pirahna, too. A vicious cycle of
greed, and ever spiraling competition, negative acts, setting
up the culture, for a fall, an economic fall, which will hurt all and
could end the civilization. These cultures are negative based, and
they need all the Microcosmic Blessings, we can give to the culture (
mindset ) and the persons, who make the culture.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you!

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