Humans, who are abducted, by ETs, are kept naked, by those ETs, etc., in the hope
that the psychological trauma, of being kept so, will make human kidnapees, more
persuasive, to both external and mental persuasion.
It works- for many humans, they get all shy and ashamed, of being naked,
before aliens, who don't have that much interest in them. The ones
who do- only want them, for reproductive purposes, to see, if the baby
will live.
ETs keep long genetic records of humans, they have kidnapped, over
the years; and they try as hard as possible, to match, the new genetics,
with the past life the person had, where they were used, in the same
capacity, as before.
Jedis are peacefu,l and prefer non-violence, but they can fight and
when they do; they do so, without bringing out the Dankside of the
To do this, they listen, to their feelings; they know the act or
acts, they're doing, is the only thing they can do to be true to
themsleves. This means- they're doing the work of the Microcosmic Force or
their own Microcosmic Truth ,when they act, as the creator of the Microcosmic Force, within their
own choices and actions.
Do not limit yourself, or your truth; if your truth seems to be more
than you can do, or at least ever have done, do not limit yourself, do
it without seeing it bigger, than any thing, you've ever done before.
Picture the object as smaller, than your consciousness and your
abilities; see it light and easy to move, no matter, what its
actual weight is. This is the idea of Picturing what you want,
then allowing your awesome the Microcosmic Force, to work together to make it reality, by you doing
what's truth for you, here and now.
Does being naked bother you? Get over it, when the ETs use it, you
are giving them command and control over you. You become their puppet;
you're a threat, to other humans, who are on board, with you.
Remember- you cannot give truth, to interstellar ETs;
their main goal is the total destruction, of Humanity.
that the psychological trauma, of being kept so, will make human kidnapees, more
persuasive, to both external and mental persuasion.
It works- for many humans, they get all shy and ashamed, of being naked,
before aliens, who don't have that much interest in them. The ones
who do- only want them, for reproductive purposes, to see, if the baby
will live.
ETs keep long genetic records of humans, they have kidnapped, over
the years; and they try as hard as possible, to match, the new genetics,
with the past life the person had, where they were used, in the same
capacity, as before.
Jedis are peacefu,l and prefer non-violence, but they can fight and
when they do; they do so, without bringing out the Dankside of the
To do this, they listen, to their feelings; they know the act or
acts, they're doing, is the only thing they can do to be true to
themsleves. This means- they're doing the work of the Microcosmic Force or
their own Microcosmic Truth ,when they act, as the creator of the Microcosmic Force, within their
own choices and actions.
Do not limit yourself, or your truth; if your truth seems to be more
than you can do, or at least ever have done, do not limit yourself, do
it without seeing it bigger, than any thing, you've ever done before.
Picture the object as smaller, than your consciousness and your
abilities; see it light and easy to move, no matter, what its
actual weight is. This is the idea of Picturing what you want,
then allowing your awesome the Microcosmic Force, to work together to make it reality, by you doing
what's truth for you, here and now.
Does being naked bother you? Get over it, when the ETs use it, you
are giving them command and control over you. You become their puppet;
you're a threat, to other humans, who are on board, with you.
Remember- you cannot give truth, to interstellar ETs;
their main goal is the total destruction, of Humanity.
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