Thursday, May 6, 2010

EG- # 47

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Long Beach, CA UFO Abductions
experiences are real. It's true these abductions are given, to hide the true use
of humans and ETs, without interstellar travel capability. These experience are
coordinated to tie in, with the overall shaping, of the abductees, to keep them, from
going too fa,r into what's actually being done, to them.

After they have been returned, and have some memory of the experience, social
norms of earth add to the criminal stress and crime committed, by the
InterStellar Extraterrestrials, by telling them they're crazy.

Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome begins, whether they know it or not. The society
they live in doesn't want to hear the truth of the reality of the Universe, that
we are not alone, but only want to have their limited reality, within their
environments. This causes a double bind- on the abductee, and now, not only are
they a victim; they're crazy, if they even want to get help, to see if its real
or not.

IET's are logical, and run their experiences, to coincide, with their view of
reality, so they have backup,s for everything they do. To back up the beings they
abduct and put through the virtual reality and holographic telepathic computer
processing, data storage and other planes, for a number of different uses, they
put within the abductee: Implants, Nanobots, Microbots and other electronic

These are placed in the abductee ( one way ) by a glass rod, which the
electronic implant, etc., is placed, within an open area, at the top, and then the
rod goes out of physical reality, at the top half. The rod is placed, within the
head, the implant pushed out, and checked, to see if working, then the rod is
removed, and implantation has been achieved.

Now the backup is complete, but to make more backups- nanobots, microbots and
other micro and nanoelectronics are placed, within the abductees, by infecting the
planets, they're from, with trillions of these bots, then configuring them, by
computer programming, to their individual codes.

These bots and implants can be used to refresh the whole set up, if the abductee
finds a way to destroy it, or if an accident wipes the abductee, from
unconsciousl,y being able, to be effected, by the bots.

This means- the computer processing virtual reality computer connective
linkup, the virtual and holographic planes and universes are all tied together,
and with backdoor keywords, or electronic resonance backdoor keywords- the whole
system can be brought back into place, and start processing, immediately.

Dr. Johnson destroys his vr/holographic processing and planes universes each
day, but when he sleeps it's all reactived by signa,l to the implants and bots.
Second, when he does his meditation,s and works with psychic exploring- the
implants go off during the day, he can hear them; he has to try to interfere
with the signals they put out, by creating another signal, he uses snaps
of his fingers, to do so.

This method has had low success, but does interfere somewhat.

Implants are used more, when the IETs, decide the person isn't needed to be picked
up, as much. This usually happens with an increase in age or illness.

Dr. Johnson: " Implants, nanobots, microbots, etc., I have them all. My
abductions, physical abductions, have been going down recently, but their
continual control through these electronics has increased. I'm looking, for the
permanent way, to destroy the implants, nanobots, microbots, etc., but that's in
the future. We have to research this new information; I hope other UFO
Researchers will work with their own abductees, and help them know the true
reason they're being used by IETs, and not only the experiences, they remember!

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