Friday, May 7, 2010

EG- # 52

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

One of the things, a Dream Dancer and a Jedi have to deal with,
as they expand their abilities, and work, to create the Microcosmic Force, through
listening and acting without thinking, of the truth, they've to act
upon, to be true to themselves, is the dankside- who wants to subvert you,
to make what you may be upset with, don't like, etc., into a
an weapon it can use to destroy or change it, to be a help to itself, the dank side of
the Force.

Now the question is- why do I call it the dank side, rather than the
dark side of the Force?

The answer is easy, dark is not negative its positive, it's
simply, another state of light, but power is negative; it wants to
control, overpower or destroy what it cannot control, or that which
equals it, within its arrogance, and need to have supreme power over all

The Dank side of the Force has several things, that give you a clue,
you've stepped over the line of Light, into the coldness and hotness
of the Dank side of the Force. One is smell, you can smell the
dankness; its a very bad smell. The Dank side of the Force
has a feeling about it, like walking into a dark, wet room, with all
kinds of fungus and other smelly things, rotting away. The Dank side
feels or has a texture of ravenous hunger; its texture is that of
rough, sticky, icky; it wants to transpose itself ,into dank lightning,
which allows it, to be the power it is meant to be; what it
is now, is simply- waiting, for the chance, to go electric.

This is the feeling dankest of them all; power is
always on the edge of going electric targeting. It wants to destroy,
or to bring about total control over others. It's not controlled by
anyone, not the Dank Lords and Ladies, who use it, whofind a way to
balance out it syphing effect, and can use it without being drained,
until the Dank side finds a doorway, then attacks them.

The Dank side of the Force is totally self-absorbed; it does
nothing, that doesn't in someway, increase its power. Anger,
jealouscy, and all the dank emotions, that are not healthy, but go
overboard, increase the power of the dank side of the Force.

Remembe-r only you can say no to the Dank side of the Force, and yes
to the Force ( external duality ).

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