Wednesday, May 12, 2010

EG- # 62

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

We 've been talking about how women must start asserting themselves
aggressively, to be able to take their rightful place, on the Earth,
without having to depend on men, their arch-nemeiss.

If this sounds strong, that's because it is, women have to take the
playing field back, and put those men, who want to own them, and who
will go beserk, if they try to be themselves, either behind bars, or
if they come after them- six feet under.

You don't want to kill anyone, well, they don't have that barrier, and
after all, the women, who have died, without any noticeable change in
the laws, to protect women, and women not knowing how to protect
themselves have helped in their own demise; it's more than time, for a change.

The next step- find a way to control those men, who are going off
the wall, or have stepped into the role of criminal or would be
murderer, is to look at telepathic abilities, which will help the woman
take the man out, with or without killing him.

Psychic abilities, talents and skills are natural skills, and are
part of the protection, each of us can use, to protect ourselves. Women
need to develop these, to be able to protect themselves, from crazed
men, who want to beat them up, kill them or mutilate them.

All of these criminal activities against women have to stop. It can
stop, by having women learn how to take care of themselves, in any kind
of operation, but it can also stop, by ending male heirarchial bid
for position or power, in their own groups, in the world. Power and
position are what make men believe they're superior to women, add to
this- the stupidity of the Bible, saying man shall guide women ( a male
chauvenists must have written this, along with- humans will have
domain over the Earth and all the animals on it ) and you have the
willful subjgation of women by men, anything goes to
accomplish this goal. This is going to stop. Women, you can't hide
behind the law, the law usually can't help you till your already
dead. You're responsible, for staying alive, against any type of
danger; the best bet is to use martial arts, and develop your
spiritual side, become an expert at utilizing your psychic-
telepathic abilities, so you can not only handle yourself, but won't
be where danger is.

It's up to you ladies, live free and without hierarchies, or be under
the male hierarchy and face death and danger everyday.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you!

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