Monday, May 24, 2010

EG- # 127

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Paradox is the creation of life, meaning- opposites of each other,
happening at the exact same time, creates whole life. Opposition doesn't
necessarily mean conflict, it can mean interaction, leading to new
forms, ideas, thoughts, creativity, awareness of life and yourself.

Paradox is the key to life; o living. Those who want to keep
opposites out of their life ( we're not talking about negativity, but
positive energy flows, circles, prototype beginnings, etc. ) are
restricting their ability, to be creative, thoughtful, aware, authentic
and open, to their own inner and outer happenings.

Negativity flows are that, which has been created by a being, etc., in
holding in/back/down/blocking out/repressing. This can be in no
formal being, but simply, in the flows of energy, in flowing
together, have natural reactions- of holding back, stopping, wanting to
build trust- rather than accepting carte blanche, etc..

Negative reactions can be good, or they can build upon a being's
unwillingness, to look at something, within themselves, or outside of
themselves, creating fear, of the unknown, fear of a known, or feelings
of clairvoyance, where you feel something going on, even if you aren't
involved, in it.

This last negativity, is that, which we work, to transform; the
difficulty level, is how armored you are, making your reaction-response,
to it. You deny it, then it is very strong, because you're denying
yourself. Work out that negativity.

Some use negative actions, etc., as the way to get through life,
to one-upmanship against all, within their environments; these people
are in denial, of that ,which is going on within them, and take perverse
pleasure, in getting something over- another being. This can only happen
to the extent, you allow them, to control you.

You're responsible, for your protection, so it's advisable, to learn
one of the martial arts ( boxing, though well thought of- is a method
that causes damage, and sometimes, permanent damage, to the fighters,
thus is a negative application of self-defense ); my favorite is Kenpo
Karate, started by Ed Parker - now deceased - Joe Dimmick was my
instructor; a very good one, too. Martial arts is a flow creating
methodology, allowing you to be grounded, centered and defensive, in
that you use your opponents strengths against them.

Tai Kwan Do, is another good martial art, in many dojos, they do
medtiation, healing and study the spirituality, behind the techniques
and kicks, of the style. My only concern with this is, these are
macrocosmic ideas, and do not correlate, with my microcosmic ones.

Remember- in all areas, where you meet others, or other things, you
practice touch-contact, with them. In doing this, you're creating an
environment, where both, can get, the most, out of the experience, if they
want or choose to. It's the responsibility, of each person/being, to
make that choice, for his/her/it self.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

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