Long Beach, CA ( this is found within another of my blog books, also ) Dr. Terry Floyd Johnson,
UFO Abductions Expert, has had another giant breakthrough, to add to his startling
pronouncement- Interstellar Extra-Terrestrials have been using memories
abductees have of their time upon IET ships ( most of them very painful ), as
shaped memories, to keep them from being able to access the bedrock emotional
shield put in them, by the IETs.
This bedrock was a cover, for what the IETs really are using humans for: as units
connected together, with other abductees ( human and Extra-terrestials
primitives ) to create a Super Computer, they call; Ultra Univ Super Computer.
This computer processing goes on 24/7; we've a earthly model of this design- in
SETI's use of personal computers around the world, to create a super computer, to
process theIr projects.
Psychologists would be aware, that to have this much energy tied up in the
subconscious could be very harmful, even deadly, to the person, being used, as a
computer unit within a giant, universe wide, super computer. If they draw to
much energy from a person, their bodyminds could fail in the weakest areas, even
if those areas, are unknown.
Each computer unit is used for contineous processing and current levels of data
storage. However, longterm data storage, data mining work, and processing, isn't
done, in those, who are active within Ultra Univ Super Computer.
This is the second world breakthrough that Dr. Johnson has found connected to
humans being used as computers, long term data storage is put into- " FRESHIES
What is a Freshie? A Freshie is a human, who has no source of being, within the
super computer processing phase ( they may or may not have been abducted ). This
human may never have been abducted, and have no interes,t in the field,
Freshies are created by the wireless telepathy, which connects human/ets together,
to the super computer, but can be used, to create human fresh storage areas,
for long term storage.
The IETs back up everything, so their wireless telepathic sectioning of the
Freshies unconscious/dreamconsciousness, is also supported by nanobot/microbot
sectioning, of the physical mind, into the sections devised, for this units data
storage work. Nanobots are already found everywhere on Earth, and within all life
forms, on Earth. These are monitered, to be ready, to put them to use, when a Freshie is
found to be a good uni,t to store data in.
This means- all humans are threatened with use, or are now being used, as data
storage units, which can be accessed, to do data mining, when the IETs need to do
Super computer processors and Freshies are accessed with backdoor words, sounds,
etc.. Any access causes a drain on the Freshies or processor's life energy.
Psychological effects, of this slavery, is unknown, but it can be theroized that
all sorts of problems and emotional reactions could be caused by this use of
personal, life energy.
Dr. Johnson is putting together a new non-profit organization to study this
phenonmena; founders donations and personal donations are needed, please e-mail
Dr. Johsnon, at:
Human reality has just expanded, as the truth of Interstellar Extra-Terrestrials
use of abductees/contactees, and those humans, who have had neither,, are used to do
projects, for these creatures, not all of which are in the human/et primitives-
best interest.
UFO Abductions Expert, has had another giant breakthrough, to add to his startling
pronouncement- Interstellar Extra-Terrestrials have been using memories
abductees have of their time upon IET ships ( most of them very painful ), as
shaped memories, to keep them from being able to access the bedrock emotional
shield put in them, by the IETs.
This bedrock was a cover, for what the IETs really are using humans for: as units
connected together, with other abductees ( human and Extra-terrestials
primitives ) to create a Super Computer, they call; Ultra Univ Super Computer.
This computer processing goes on 24/7; we've a earthly model of this design- in
SETI's use of personal computers around the world, to create a super computer, to
process theIr projects.
Psychologists would be aware, that to have this much energy tied up in the
subconscious could be very harmful, even deadly, to the person, being used, as a
computer unit within a giant, universe wide, super computer. If they draw to
much energy from a person, their bodyminds could fail in the weakest areas, even
if those areas, are unknown.
Each computer unit is used for contineous processing and current levels of data
storage. However, longterm data storage, data mining work, and processing, isn't
done, in those, who are active within Ultra Univ Super Computer.
This is the second world breakthrough that Dr. Johnson has found connected to
humans being used as computers, long term data storage is put into- " FRESHIES
What is a Freshie? A Freshie is a human, who has no source of being, within the
super computer processing phase ( they may or may not have been abducted ). This
human may never have been abducted, and have no interes,t in the field,
Freshies are created by the wireless telepathy, which connects human/ets together,
to the super computer, but can be used, to create human fresh storage areas,
for long term storage.
The IETs back up everything, so their wireless telepathic sectioning of the
Freshies unconscious/dreamconsciousness, is also supported by nanobot/microbot
sectioning, of the physical mind, into the sections devised, for this units data
storage work. Nanobots are already found everywhere on Earth, and within all life
forms, on Earth. These are monitered, to be ready, to put them to use, when a Freshie is
found to be a good uni,t to store data in.
This means- all humans are threatened with use, or are now being used, as data
storage units, which can be accessed, to do data mining, when the IETs need to do
Super computer processors and Freshies are accessed with backdoor words, sounds,
etc.. Any access causes a drain on the Freshies or processor's life energy.
Psychological effects, of this slavery, is unknown, but it can be theroized that
all sorts of problems and emotional reactions could be caused by this use of
personal, life energy.
Dr. Johnson is putting together a new non-profit organization to study this
phenonmena; founders donations and personal donations are needed, please e-mail
Dr. Johsnon, at:
Human reality has just expanded, as the truth of Interstellar Extra-Terrestrials
use of abductees/contactees, and those humans, who have had neither,, are used to do
projects, for these creatures, not all of which are in the human/et primitives-
best interest.
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