Men's attitude toward all women, and the women- they love, or who are
in their family, show an attitude of ownership, of an object, not
realizing woman has the ability, and the self-responsibility, to
take care of herself, by learning how to do that, through handling
her own affairs.
Men, take the idea they want to protect women, and turn it into-
if I'm responsible, for you, then you must do as I say. If the woman
doesn't want to do what the man wants, then arguments start, and could
lead, to verbal or physical abuse.
Men answer threats- by getting physical, most women answer threats by
trying to win verbally, as you can see- the two don't match.
Men want to bull their way, to win, and if they don't win, they see
themselves as being less, than what they were. This need to be a
winner, is to maintain their heirarchial position, in their local, and
environmental, power structure.
This power structure is mostly male; those females, who join it,
are having to adapt, to the male pattern ( though, there are some women,
who try to maintian femeninity, while being the boss )and learn how to
fight their way up the power ladder.
Over the years, males have come to regard women as less than equal to
them. They see them as weak, needing protection, not capable of
making their own decisions, and not capable of doing their own thing,
by themseelves, without a man around, to direct them.
This is control, by setting women into this bag, of his, the man sees
himself in the winning position; woman, is his subject, if his
subject talks out of turn, back, or anything else, the man feel
threatens, within his natural superiority, because he's a man, and part of the
power structure, and having a heirarchial position, within that power
structure, is to be the king of his world; he has to keep the woman in
line, not only for himself, but for all men, everywhere.
Men love women, yes, but they also hate them; they see them as
competition; competition means battle; battle for men, means
actual, physical battle; if they feel, they're losing.
Men, see women, as love-hate objects, but because of the rate of
domestic violence in families; its obvious men are more, on the
power structure side, and maintianing the status quo, so they're
determined to put down any insurrection, with physical force, mental
abuse and verbal harranging. They want to make the woman lose her
sense of self, be totally dependent, on them, and do everything,
for the male, and nothing, for herself, or her children.
Males see children as objects, in which, they can control the woman, who
sees her children, as more important, than she is, in many cases. Women
fuse with her children, then become male like, in trying to control
her children, and what they do.
Children need their parents, to do, for them, for a time, but then they
need their parents, to allow them, to have freedom; yet be there, to
make sure they don't go overboard, with that freedom.
In male perception, children are objects, of collateral, to tie the
woman to him, if she gets to far out of hand, and doesn't act
like a proper subject -they become targets of damage, in the war, that
ensues, between the woman and the man.
Man has been raised, to expect women, to care for him; if they
don't, then he has the right, to force them, to do that, or to take them
out, if they go to far out, and actually try, to run, their own lives.
Males have lost the sense of boundaries, and the respect, of those
boundaries. They have lost the respect- of another person's bodymind,
they see it as theirs, it isn't; he doesn't have the right to cross those boundaries. If
he's angry, walk away, and start building a life apart, from the
person, who's angering him, so.
Wrap all this up, with male fantasy, you have a woman, who can never
be what the man wants; he sees only a fantasy, where the real
woman is lost; all of her qualities and life, is subdued, so the
male can try to make her into what he wants her to be, not caring
what she wants.
This is to end. Women have their own desires, their own wants.
They want them; they have the right to them; anyone, who tries
to stop them, from their freedoms, is a criminal. Males, who love women,
don't love them; they simply want, to own them.
Males have been sold a bill of goods; they're the one, who must
lead the woman. The woman doesn't need anyone to lead her, but would
welcome for him, to share with her, on an equal basis, if that isn't
possible....hasta la vista, baby!
Women must make men start realizing, there's a new ball game in
town; the new game is Women's Freedom, to be the total of what
she can be, without being hindered by a man, and what he wants her to
be, so she can service him, and allow him, to be the king of the
family. Viva la Revolution!
Women must learn to protect themselves, physically, as well as,
mentally. It's recommended, they take a martial art, and learn
the way of peace, and the way of self-defense. Learn how to make what
you want happen, for yourself, at the same time, create the best
possible choice for others, to choose, to experience, that choice;
becoming better, for it.
Women stop being men's women, be uniquely you, which happens to be
in female form. Drop the power structure; learn to live freely;
allow others the same rights, you give, to yourself.
May the Microcosmic Force be with you!
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