Friday, May 21, 2010

EG- # 111

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In our lives, we use fear, to warn us of danger, to feel- something
isn't right, to protect our security, and to be- a warning system, for
attacks, and other warnings, we need to know about, and to know- the risk involved.

Fear is in balance; is done, in the only act you can do to be
true to yourself, then becomes a maker of the Microcosmic Force, and the Microcosmic Force
creates the Microcosmic Force.

There is negative fear, that overwhelms, keeps you from doing anything
to eleviate the situation, and keeps you from seeing how to end the fear,
and create positive action, by doing, the only act you can do to be true
to yourself.

Fear is a friend, when you use it, with the way you move, in knowing
you're creating the Microcosmic Force, and building, on your ability, to
protect yourself.

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