The state, and the society, within the state- is of necessary need, to
survive, not in harmony, with what's good, for the spiritual person.
You must walk life with self-authority, self-responsibility and self-
awareness, which will guide you, to the principles, you're comfortable
with; steering you away, from those life experiences, in which you
would have to show your disagreement, with the law, the order, or the
demand you do- that which is not a truth, for you.
When you walk the path of the Jedi and Dream Dancer, you trust your
feelings, at all times, allowing them, to show you the answer, rather
than the question.
The Microcosmic Force is created by you acting on the only act you can do to be
true to yourself; others see, and can work, from the the Microcosmic Force
your actions create, if they choose to.
The Microcosmic Force is within the act of creation; it's created in the world,
by your creating it, through acting, without thinking, in the only act
you can do to be true to yourself.
The Microcosmic Force, once released, stays within its individuality, but works in
network, with all other- The Microcosmic Force individual energies. Each Jedi and
Dream Dancer can work with the Microcosmic Force, by seeing what it's doing, and
doing the only act they can do to be true to themselves. This creates
a harmonic action, which gets the best of two truths, that work
together, and apart, to accomplish what is true, for both of them.
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