Monday, May 24, 2010

EG- # 125

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace means- not only without violence, manipulation, force or mental
conditioning/torture; it means- to live your life, in harmony, with
yourself, with others.

Peace is created by each of us, within ourselves, within our
actions, with our environments.

Peace doesn't exist, until we create the Peace Energy, which gives the
sight, a knowing and a shape, to Peace, in all of its splendor, known
and unknown.

Don't limit peace, to working only to what you know of it, but work
with acting within peace, creating peace without thought,
allowing free peace, to come into the world, to teach how not to make
peace into a dogma, but a continuing evolving way of living, that we
choose, and act upon, through our relations with others.

Peace is a demartial art; this method, of seeing, the beauty of
Peace, and the action of Peace Energy, may be experience by TenDo, at:

You can create Peace, and Peace Energy, by trusting your feelings;
acting without thinking.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

Microcosmic Blessings upon you and yours!

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