Friday, May 21, 2010

EG- # 110

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What is the definition of courage? There is no definition; it
defines itself, in the actions of those who act without thought, to
themselves, or who face incredible odds, or stand up, for their
rights, and help ohters stand up, for their rights, too.

Courage comes into being, when the situation demands courage be
created, to show the decision-making ability of the person, or persons,
involved in the situation, or who becomes involved, in it, because they
want to help.

Courage isn't carried around, it comes into being, with the creation
of the Microcosmic Force, through doing the only act you can do to be true to
yourself; that action, thought, decision creates the Microcosmic Force, which
helps your action, by being beyond, whatever experience, you have ever
had; it's the truth of your movements; in Microcosmic Truth- all
things, are possible.

Courage can be large or small, it isn't limited to only great
situations, but is there, in little situations, where decision of right
or wrong, etc., must be decided, by trusting your feelings, to know the
only act you can do to be true to yourself; by choosing to do
this- you create the Microcosmic Force; the Microcosmic Force adds to its its own unique
life energy, and draws other Microcosmic Force energy fields, to it, by each
knowing- their only act they can do to be true to itself is to
help add to the accomplishing of the truth the person, being, is

The Microcosmic Force is created whenever one acts in the only way they can to be
true to themselves, no matter what religion, philosophy, they

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, here and now!

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