Women are the targets of men, and have been, for centuries. Women have
been murdered, kept virtual slaves, denied the right, to be equal, with
men, for those centuries, also.
Now, they have the right to vote, but the law of this land, and all
other lands on Earth, still don't see women, as important as men. This
is folly, and very dangerous, for if the woman suddenly decides they
are tired of being male's violence target, and decide to do violence
equally against them, men are, and will become, an endangered species.
Men utilize everything they can to keep women down; and those who
can't do it any other way- resort to violence, to keep them under their
thumbs. If brutality won't work against them; they find
those they love, and threaten- brutality, against them.
Men are a dangerous class, to women and their children, and other
Male children start using women as objects, taking after their
fathers, and other relatives, then this is only enforced, when they go
to school, watch TV, etc., they see women are low-person, on the
totem pole.
Men, who don't beat their wives, or talk bad about women, will do
nothing, when other men do. Advertising makes a mockery of women,
wives and mothers. This mockery has violence and dangerous results.
Men take on the attitude, women are stupid, have no idea of how
to manage their lives, should leave everything up to the man of the
house, that has to do with interaction, with the outside world, and the
world of finance.
Why? Because this way he controls the information that comes into the
house. He makes the rules, as if his wife, doesn't know how to
care for her own health and well-being.
Women have been raised to see men as- what their goal in life is, so
the man will take care of them. The only way men take care of
women is to brutalize them- either physically or mentally or verbally
or by silence.
Women must start taking care of themselves, not only economically, but
defensively. Know how to take care of yourself, through strategy,
tactics, logistics, maneauverability and surprise; know how to shoot
a rifle, handgun, take martial arts and find your weapon of choice.
If a man starts hunting you, to hurt you or your children, you have
every right to protect yourself, and if that means taking him out,
then you have to do that.
The Law of the Countries of the World are male dominated, change the
laws, make them into ones- that will punish harshly either man or
woman, who tries to do domestic violence, child abuse and so on.
With all of that, have laws, that will help, rather than punish, if
the person qualifies for it, but don't see prison, as the answer, its
only a failure, find ways to help the person see that their
insecurity can be solved by becoming productive, going to school,
talking things out and being a human being, with all other human
Yet, if it comes down to him or you. Let it be you- that walks away.
been murdered, kept virtual slaves, denied the right, to be equal, with
men, for those centuries, also.
Now, they have the right to vote, but the law of this land, and all
other lands on Earth, still don't see women, as important as men. This
is folly, and very dangerous, for if the woman suddenly decides they
are tired of being male's violence target, and decide to do violence
equally against them, men are, and will become, an endangered species.
Men utilize everything they can to keep women down; and those who
can't do it any other way- resort to violence, to keep them under their
thumbs. If brutality won't work against them; they find
those they love, and threaten- brutality, against them.
Men are a dangerous class, to women and their children, and other
Male children start using women as objects, taking after their
fathers, and other relatives, then this is only enforced, when they go
to school, watch TV, etc., they see women are low-person, on the
totem pole.
Men, who don't beat their wives, or talk bad about women, will do
nothing, when other men do. Advertising makes a mockery of women,
wives and mothers. This mockery has violence and dangerous results.
Men take on the attitude, women are stupid, have no idea of how
to manage their lives, should leave everything up to the man of the
house, that has to do with interaction, with the outside world, and the
world of finance.
Why? Because this way he controls the information that comes into the
house. He makes the rules, as if his wife, doesn't know how to
care for her own health and well-being.
Women have been raised to see men as- what their goal in life is, so
the man will take care of them. The only way men take care of
women is to brutalize them- either physically or mentally or verbally
or by silence.
Women must start taking care of themselves, not only economically, but
defensively. Know how to take care of yourself, through strategy,
tactics, logistics, maneauverability and surprise; know how to shoot
a rifle, handgun, take martial arts and find your weapon of choice.
If a man starts hunting you, to hurt you or your children, you have
every right to protect yourself, and if that means taking him out,
then you have to do that.
The Law of the Countries of the World are male dominated, change the
laws, make them into ones- that will punish harshly either man or
woman, who tries to do domestic violence, child abuse and so on.
With all of that, have laws, that will help, rather than punish, if
the person qualifies for it, but don't see prison, as the answer, its
only a failure, find ways to help the person see that their
insecurity can be solved by becoming productive, going to school,
talking things out and being a human being, with all other human
Yet, if it comes down to him or you. Let it be you- that walks away.
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