Wednesday, May 12, 2010

EG- # 63

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

We have talked about how women must transform themselves, and their
thought patterns, to stop being the denial queens, of the ages, to
being themselves- at all times. Do not ever be less than you are for
another person, not even, for yourself.

You, woman, are capable of doing anything you want to do, and anyone
who tries to convince you otherwise, is your enemy.

Do not listen to others, if they try to tell you how to look upon
something, but if they explain, then leave it up to you to verify
or not, then you're learning.

How do women and men subsist together, and not stay in the holding
patterns that has become ritual over the centuries. First, know- its
okay, to get rid of patterns, to transform them and to build new ones,
which are healthy, and not set in stone, but need to be looked at
periodically, to see if they're still true or not. If not, throw it
out, or transform it. You're the harbinger of your own life and all
you do , think, feel and act upon. Welcome Woman, you're no longer a
shadow in man's eye, but a full being, he has to recognize and accept-
or lose.

Man, get over your heirarchial need of position and power. That's so
passe. If you want a shadow, you are, and need to be- alone, all
your natural days. If you want another person to be less than they are-
you're a control freak, who needs to control others, so you can feel
powerful in your life, and since it only lasts seconds or minutes,
you must do something else, to downgrade those around you, to
give yourself the drug your control addiction requires.

Men, who believe women are less than men, are deluded, incrediably
ignorant and dangerous, for they will kill to make sure their
environments, and their beliefs in that environment, doesn't change, nor
do they lose their place in the heirarchial chain of male testerone
need of being top dog of the herd ( an oxymoron, if I ever heard it ).

Women be ready to protect yourself to the max, if you run into this all
too common mental case, in the human male population: killer to
protect his addiction to power over others, especially women.

Women- get out of the habits and ways, you've learned, from other
women, they only solidfy your lessness to men. Be yourself. Look into
yourself, what do you believe? What do you want to know? How do you
make your own way in the world? Are men necessary? Other women? Don't
be afraid to ask the question and feel the answer.

Women learn psychic proweress, both soft ( readings, tarot,
psychometry, palmistry, etc. ) and hard ( telepathy, telekenesis,
telematerialization, teleportation, etc. ). Learn how to defend
yourself on all levels, and against all levels of opponents.

Men and Women learn to be with each other as individuals, not as a
couple, or making your life full, etc.. This is only saying you
need something outside of yourself, to make your life complete. This
is untrue, you're whole within you, when you mate or get a friend,
its the icing on the cake, but nothing can make you less than whole,
unless you do it to yourself.

This is what the vamps, the controllers, etc., try to make you do, to
stop having feeling of wholeness about yourself, then go to work
trying to partition you, from your wholeness, so they can control you
even more. Control freaks, want total fusion, from their friends and
partners, so they expand their control beyond their own limitations,
and continue till stopped, being both controlling, and in maneuver
power position, so even if they can't expand anymore, they can protect
what they have.

Women- men are no,t and never have been, superior to you. You aren't a
rib from man, but were made as a whole, to be equal, and partners, with

Men of this century, and many past ones, have made women less than
what they are, and made them feel this position was their
natural one. Divide and conquer- the best within a person themselves,
divide them from their trueness, and setup false beliefs, so you
control their actions, and they don't.

Women, Men don't allow others to control you, be individual, protect
yourself, from those, who would overpower you, and learn to protect
yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.

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