Friday, April 30, 2010

EG- # 25

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Do we have friendly aliens riding around in space, through
interstellar traveling, or is this simply a dream of man, which will never
draw fruit, for we're the only living beings, in a Universe, that has
millions of planets, capable of making life.

There are no friendly, interstellar, travel aliens, out there. They
want to destroy humanity, and the planet. Earth is a threat to them,
but so is the Sol System. They have already been putting into place
the weapons they're going to use, when they attack the Earth, , but first, they want to attack the face on
Mars; they feel, its more, than what it seems.

Along with this, they have saturated the Earth, with nanobots,
microbots and other electronically controlled robots.

Won't the nanobots be a help, for us, building nano-lei lines all
around the Earth and throughout, all countries in the world. Think of
Giant Earthquakes, exploding volcanoes, and finally supernova. That's
what they want for humans.

Would this kill off all humans. No, because they've been seeding
other planets, in other solar systems, in other galaxies, as well as,
this one, with humans, who are thought to have died, but they were
replaced by clones.

At the same time, they've been doing reproductive programs, which
watches humans, from before birth, all the way to death, in past cases.
Now they want to destroy all their subjects, so they can't be made to
recall what was done with them. This is their cover story, what they
really want to do is end the threat that humans are, to them.

Humans aren't stuck in simply living off old ways, old knowledge, but
forge their own; it's only a matter of time, before they start
becoming a threat to the ETs and their friends, supposed friends, at

Humans are a new light, within the darkness, of the Universe; they
could takeover the entire Universe, so that's what human have to
protect themselves from: total annhilation.

ETs and friends have built bases on Earth, and the Moon; they're destroying
whatever comes to Mars; they want to have a front role seat, when
the Earth explodes, killing all humans.

The ETs are Neronet dependent; they have implants running throughout
their bodies; this is what allows them to travel in space, for long
periods of time, and how they can use their psychic talents, to do
that, which would seems to be- impossible. They're simply bio-
electrical robots, not even bio-androids; they've made themselves
totally dependent, on the neronets of implants, nanobots and
microbots. They have a psychological, and physicological addiction, to
the rush they get, when they allow the neronet implants, to handle all
their needs. They're vicious, ruthless and totally uncaring about
human life. Remember- we're talking about interestellar ETs and

We have many friends among those planets, who are, as us, or less
advanced; we have a pact with them, to stop this maurading. They
are within the Blue Ocean/Free Ryders Consortium of Resistance, which
many, within all these planets, races, are apart of ( now called Rowdies Rangers ).

We are at War with the ETs; it will soon come home, as they attack,
first Mars, to destroy the face on Mars, then will use the
weapons they've built on the moon, to cause the final action, which
will cause the Earth, to go SuperNova.

However, this is not all the threats humans have; there's a
vast mercenary force ready to invade the U.S., landing at Dominquez
Hills, CA University, and taking over the U.S., from that standpoint,
which till now has been caught up in a time loop. Tthe loopis in a
time vortex; this is now naturally ending, in both cases, their flight
to present day Earth, will cause the U.S. to fall, unless the Jedi and
the Dream Dancers don't stop them, along with the friends, who are
ready to fight, with weaponry and ships, of the ETs and Friends,
themselves, against all, who would destroy humanity and the Earth.

The Slaven have landed; they've already rolled out their Coils, to
hide the fact, they are here, but they'll start terroizing
surrounding communities, immediately. They live off energy, especially
telecom energy. It's like heroin to them, or crack cocaine.

They will be followed by the Salamanders and the Chameleons, who will
come, and clean up what's left, then destroy the Earth. they, then, will go
after more planets, where they can eat up the telecommunications,
internet energy.

Only the Jedi and the Dream Dancers have a chance at stopping them,
the forces of Earth, at this time and space, are to primitive, to suceed against any of
these forces.

To help, create Serenities, which are spiritual/Jedi/Dream Dancing
affirmations, to help with saving the Earth, keeping humans from harm,
and building a new world, in which, the capitalist madness, will be
destroyed, and a new era will begin in which, we live in harmony, with
all living beings, and non-living life forms.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

EG- # 24

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In the beginning- there was learning and creation, then as interest,
became strong enough, came formation, after formation, came birth,
after birth came life.

What this says- is the realization of Self-Genesis, each person-
being, is self-creation; no one created them, they did, when it
fit into their path of interest, realization, understanding,
precognition seeing, etc..

God isn't a factor in this. There is no god, each person created
themselves; no outside force was/is necessary, for life, to be
created, by the music, which becomes a spirit, being, testing out
learning situations, to see- if theories stand up, to ideas.

The drive to live is to test out ideas, be creative and love one
another, with the ability to touch each other, to have a physical
vibration, that will reach out and touch each other, giving us
social pleasure. This is the birth of sensual, sexual touch, wanting, as well.

Sex and self-love are ways of experiencing pleasure; pleasure is
a beautiful experience, for everyone. Where " not "came in, was when the
experience of life, made other ways, to end questioning, which was soon
seen- to be a negative path. Those who saw these possibilities, saw they
could con other beings, or fight them, to overcome them and make them
do what they wanted, rather than what the spirit wanted.

It could only be done, in dream realities, which, if one is within them,
they're limited to the expressions, within the realities, until they
can raise the ability of their physical containter, to be able to
handle high, spiritual energies.

From this realization, and distortion of life, came those, who are
known, as those, who follow the Darkside of the Force, which force
their way, to happen, rather than allowing life to flow into
completeness, as it does, of the creators of the Microcosmic Force.

The Microcosmic Force is truth, Power is maybe, but it is addictive; those
who use it, grow more and more under its spell, for its everything
they want, and soon power controls them; they become simply
containers, in which power creates more of itself, for its own ability,
to maintain control.

At first, it doesn't mind being at the beck and call, of those, who deal
in it, and with it, because soon it will reverse itself, and the
powermonger, will become the slave powermonger. Power gathers to
itself, all the negative energy released in any Darkside of the Force
actions. Yet the person's spirit- fights this darkness; Power
doesn't have a free ride; the free within the person
fights to be free, of any power, other than its own.

This is what those who escape do, they break the chain of Power, and
develop, within themselves, the ability to create the darkside of the
Force, which comes from them and does what they want without any
interference, from Power; what they create can only be used by
them, its their act of power, it will only allow itself, to be
used by the one, who created it.

The Microcosmic Force is the only act you can do to be true to yourself. This
means- you're creating microcosmic crystal white light and
crystal white light love life energy.

You don't hold onto this, as those, who create Power- do, Power is a
heavy weight, as well as a way, of making others do as you want. Light
has no weight, only action, so when it's used, it isn't used up, it
simply transforms, to what's necessary; it becomes the Microcosmic Force,
once again, after attaining the goal of the Jedi or Dream Dance,r who
created it, within the actions he/she/it does, to create the win-win-
win-win situation they want to bring into being.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

EG- # 23

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

If you are in a political situation, where you must defend yourself, against tyranny, what is the course, for this?

How do you fight something like this, in a
way that will go, with the MicrocosmicForce.

Defending yourself against a madman or woman/political warfare is within the flow of
the Microcosmic Force, because you're not attacking, but defending.

Your defence cannot go beyond, where you are threatened.

If you do, then you're moving in the dark side of the Force.

There are others times, when you must decide whether to help
others or not. Is helping others the right thing to do?

When others are in danger, you must feel- what the Microcosmic Force, within each
of them, is doing. If you're meant to be there, you will be there. Do
not limit your knowing of the Microcosmic Force.

The Microcosmic Force flows from you, when you're acting in the only way you can
act and be true to yourself.

Peace is earned, is only partially true. Peace is created within you;
it comes into the world, by your actions.

To flow, with the Microcosmic Force, do what you feel is right, for you, from
fashions, to music, to hearth, to space, to exploration, etc..

May the Microcosmic Force Be With You!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

EG- # 22

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In the world, there are many, who are in power, want only to enrich
themselves, these we call of the Dankside of the Force. Whatever they
do has the smell of dead fish and rotten garbage.

Power, that wants to control others, is on the Dankside of the Force,
High Energy, which wants to unite, build coalitions, energize the world, and
make it safer for all, is the Microcosmic Force.

However, any power, that isn't seen as energy, has its dankside, so
when we work with our super talents, super abilities and super
skills, we work with the Microcosmic Force, which is the only act we can do to
be true to ourself; this is the energy of the Microcosmic Force, which is
created, when we do what's true for us.

Right and wrong have no bearing on this; your actions are what's
necessary, to be, by acting in the only way you can to be true to yourself, you create the Microcosmic Force.

Positive or negative don't have anything to do with the energy
created by the Microcosmic Force, when you act in the only way you can to be
true to yourself, it doesn't involve a choice or a view, it simply

Choice has nothing to do with the action you take when you act in the
only way you can to be true to yourself. You do one thing, act in the
only way you can to be true to yourself.

This doesn't mean what's best, for the group your with, or anything
else. There's no need, for choice here; you're doing, what you
need to do to be true to yourself; you don't have to question,
look at it, or make a decision one way or the other. It's the only
act you can do to be true to yourself. Your truth is both bodymind
knowing, and spiritually coming from
the ,

, which you can never know, but
can know what it was; by acting in the only way you can act to be
true to yourself. Your action isn't what's beyond you to know, it's
only truth you can know, however, because it's the
truth of what you can know, by seeing, it is the only act you can do, to
be true to yourself, we know it's far beyond that- what we can
never know. It's a truth that allows us to be true to ourselves by
acting in a way that creates the Microcosmic Force; The Microcosmic Force creates true
growth and action, which makes our lives- Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm Blessings, for us, and for any, who watch.

EG- # 21 VIP Socrates

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

One of the aspects, we as Jedi and Dream Dancers are aware of- is
the truth- of the ETs and UFOs. The UFOs/ETs are enemies, not friends.

They're criminals, in that, they abduct people, and contact people by
abduction, without their consent.

What's even more insidious is- they're used as experimental
animals, then put through levels of hypnosis, in which, the final one
is a set of cover stories, which hide the real experience, of the
person, and allow the ETs, to do, with each human, what they wish.

However, at the same time, this is going on, the humans on the
motherships, scoutships, etc., are working to overthrow their
abductors. This goes on, at any contact, with the ETs.

Blue Ocean/Free Ryders, now Rowdies Rangers, are the resistance force, of humans and aliens= primitives,
who arebeing put through this abduction process. They have banded
together, share knowledge and they're now, a whole force, rather
than, scattered planetary citizens operations.

The Resistiance was started by Socrates, then turned into a
military campaign, by Alexander the Great. Only recently has it turned
itself around into a total package of resistance, with the help of
all warrior-adepts. We're now Universe(s) wide; we shall fight the
ETs on their own level.

The resistance, and those humans, who do not belong to our resistance,
know how to work, and fly, everything, on the ship.

Thousands of spaceships are awaiting- awakening, with the crews
already trained, and ready to go. The Resistance is ready to defeat
the ETs.

We're ready, for war, skirmishes, etc.; and we're not going to be
defeated. We have the skill, and the new design stardrive ships, to
overcome the ETs own limited ships.

There are billions of Jedi Knight and Dream Dancers, in the Universe(s). We are not going to be defeated.

There are sleepers and moles, within the human population, who will
rise up, take over the ships, to fight the armada of ETs ships,
etc., aimed, at the Earth, to destroy the Earth and Humanity.

The abduction experience process usually follows a set pattern:

1. Abducted out of their homes
2. Taken aboard a ship
3. Taken to the Mothership
4. Taken into a huge room on a gurney
5. Taken into medical ops
6. Taken into psychological/social ops
7. Put through physcial, mental and spiritual experimentation
8. If not needed, put into casket like holders, which are filled with
fluid, that allows you to breathe underwater. You go under, then
they can sedate, etc., you, at their own convirnce.
9. Taken into a room, in which, a person's total memory bank is copied
10. Psychological Mad Scientist Testing, Physiological Endurance,
Drugs and Machine
11. Put through crash design hypnosis, to be taken back home,
instrumentation, drugs and light.
12. All these hypnotic blocks, etc. are tied off with a monster
13. Returned Home or somewhere else

The person has to live with this, with much of their being, being
used, to keep them, from remembering the incidents. Emotional scars
coming out, but without understanding why? Domestic Violence! etc.!

We can help you go through this, by meditation, hypnosis, and facing
your emotions, by trusting your feelings.

UFOs are real; ETs want to destroy us. We have to find the way to
stop them or die.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

EG-# 20

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What are the differences between a Jedi Knight and a Dream Dancer?
The one main thing, which is different, is their goals- Jedi want justice, and are willing to utilize weapons, to do so; Dream Dancers, prefer Peace, and handling problems, with open hands.

Dream Dancers are Self-Genesis; they're
the ones- who created themselves; they're the highest source, for
answers, self-love, etc., there is, for themselves.

Jedi Knights are trained in the same way as Dream Dancers, but they are geared toward training, practice, and skills to help in the defense of those in need of justice, safety, and respite from violence.

Each person must make their own choice whether to follow the path of the Jedi or the path of the Dream Dancer.

One of the teachings, of the Jedi and Dream Dancer, is- you must be
comfortable in any situation you're in, this means clothed,
partially clothed or naked. Practice until you're comfortable, with
any state of dress, you find yourself in.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

EG- # 19

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Why do we need Jedi? What is the purpose of the Jedi? Isn't God
enough, doesn't all things come from him? Isn't he our Creator?
Doesn't he give to us what we need, or never gives us more than we
can handle? Isn't woman supposed to be male dominated?

The Jedi doesn't have to be needed, to be here; the Jedi are here
because they choose to be. They don't have or need anyone's permission- to
exist; they exist- to help themselves, and to help others, when
they feel it's right, and necessary, to do so. The Jedi are guided,
and guide the Microcosmic Force, not by command, but by the Mircosmic Truth, they create
by acting without thinking. The Microcosmic Force is created within each of us,
and those, who act in accord, with that action, are doing so, because
they feel the Microcosmic Truth of the action, and ac,t without
thinking. This means a simple act can change the Universe, and
far beyond.

The Jedi do not need a purpose to exist, they exist because it's
their own inner Truth, for them to do so. No outside agent has
anything to say about the existence of the inidividual Jedi, except
the person themselves. They're the highest source, for their action,
within their Microcosmic Wholeness/Full.

Dream Dancers know there are no Gods, and the highest source, for
you, is to look to your own Microcosmic Whole/Full. You self-create,
and you self-created yourself, out of your own being, by limiting
yourself, to the different physical worlds/universes/etc.; you've never
ever being held, without having the way to intricate yourself out of
any situation, if you use it. Deny your own Microcosmic Truth,
and you won't know what that is.

In both, the path of the Jedi and the path of the Dream Dancer, there
is no difference, in the ability, of a man or a woman, to attain Jedi
hood, and/or become a Dream Dancer. No man has dominance over a
woman; any who try, or do, are acting against their own natures of
not needing to be dominant, only loving, in the aware Jedi/Dream
Dancer Way.

Women are just as high energy as the male. No one has the right to
dominate someone, and try to rule their lives. Women who walk the way
of the Jedi or Dream Dancer, know they're equal, in their
potential, to know themselves. Their cultural bias and learning, has
to be let go, so they can become themselves: Jedi or Dream Dancer.

Women: start looking at the tapes- you have in your mind, that you do
without thinking; the ones that make you slave to men, let go of,
those that support your false view of yourself; to to be free, create within you the will to love, starting with yourself.

If you have a dominant and cruel person in your life, Microcosmic Bless them, so they leave you alone. Microcosmic Bless the positive, individual building tapes, within you, as well.

Men: Do the same, but any tape which says you're better, than a
woman, women are weak, etc., dump. Find the ones which respect women,
and know they're just as capable as men. They're worthy persons
to be Jedi and/or Dream Dancers. Men, support the ones, which work toward
being a Jedi or a Dream Dancer; let go of those that make any
male- a male sexist. This isn't only hurting others, it hurts you;
it doesn't allow you to be whole, only limited, and living, in a
fantasy, that hurts others, and doubly, hurts you.

Remember- life is made up of curves, rounds, globes and circles.
The Microcosmic Force is all of these, and beyond all of them, but it works with
the joy of space, and not having to control anything, but flows with
what is Microcosmic Necessary, for itself, to do.

EG- # 18

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Is this the only possible world, the physical world, we live in.
All you have to do is walk through a woods, by a lake, by an ocean,
etc., and you feel... there's something there, beyond what you
see, and what you can touch. This we call Mystery, it's the energy
coming from the individual whole/full, which is not used by the
form. It's more than that, by being its own whole, once it leaves,
or parts from, the original energy; it becomes more than simply an
energy, it becomes aware, through feeling, and starts acting without
needing to think. It is the Microcosmic Force.

In the Holy Splendor Ministries, this acting in the only way you can
to be true to yourself, is the Light of God, and is the way God talks
to those who are born out of the trueness of becoming more limited so
they can interact with others. These beings are called God-Is, for they
still see the need to have a higher power, than themselves.

Jedi/Dream Dancers, on the other hand, don't need a higher power; they
are- the highest spiritual source for them. They interact with the
Microcosmic Force, and any other being only if it is the only act they can do to
be true to themselves.

Jedi and Dream Dancers, both, utilize psychic talents, abilities and
skills; they use the Microcosmic Force, or Mystery, to help them find the
answers they might not see if they did not have this interaction.
Jedi/Dream Dancers utilize the Microcosmic Force, as a friend, who works with them in
any action, because it's within their, and theMicrocosmic Force's, to do so; it's
the only act, for both of them, that gives the Truth, within the
creative answer, for any action.

Jedi/Dream Dancers only look to themselves, for spiritual guidance,
they're the creators of the Microcosmic Force, by doing these acts, which are the
only act they can do to be true to themselves. The life energy, not
used up in these actions, separate from the original life energy,
becoming the Microcosmic Force, which acts in the only way it can to be
true to itself.

The Microcosmic Force is not a whole, made up of little independents, each individual energy form, is a whole
action, they are the Microcosmic Force, they act in the only way they can to be
true to themselves. Microcosmic Force is the way Dream Dancers
reach out and touch others, psychic talent- is born. However, this isn't the
only way beings can communciate, feel, each other; in all
actions are life energy patterns, etc., to help create contact, with the creator of this, individual
life energy form, and any who have contacted it.

The Microcosmic Force is a friend, and more than than it is, when the need is
there, an self-directed/self-authority of what is best, for it to do,
in any instant. Just like it is, for the Dream Dancer/Jedi, who acts in the
only way they can to be true to themselves, by choice, and isn't
compelled to do so.

May the Microcosmic Force be With You!

EG- # 17

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

( this is an archive lesson )

Easter is tommorrow; we wish our friends at the Holy Splendor
Ministeries- Happy Birthday; they're one year old tommorrow, and
our friendship, is also, one year old.

Zoua does service with the Holy Splendor Ministeris, in that he takes
dictation, from those, who say they're the Holy Splendor. He makes no
case, either way, but looks at the lessons, and if they start to get
negative, then he'll end his work with them. To date this hasn't
happened, and he doesn't expect it to.

Zoua, lives in Long Beach, CA, while walking on Junipero, near
eighth, where a small, two story, Hispanic church is located; it's
the old home of the MCC of Long Beach; he had a very interesting

The doors of the church were open, and as he walked directly across
from them, Jesus walked out ( you had to be able to use your third
eye to see him ) and talked to Zoua. It was at this time, Zoua decided
to go ahead and form the web church, for his friends, he'd been
thinking about.

In the astral, Zoua has had many meetings, with the spiritual and
human leaders, of the past, present and future. This was to look into
what was the best way to help the humans, to become more Peace loving,
and less, war mongers. To date humans are even more warmongers than
they were, thanks to Bush and his Quantrell Raiders.

Zoua is in psychic contact, when he types out sermons, and the directed
words of the Holy Splendor ( meaning individual members of the Holy
Splendor ) in the sermons, for the web based church.

During this year, and before he met with Jesus, he had found some of
the Celestial Hosts and Spirit Hosts, who will one day head the Holy
Splendor Ministeries, and over the year, he has found more, and told
them, who they are. This is difficult to believe, for most of them, and
none have come forward and become involved in the Holy Splendor
Ministeries, at this time. They're waiting and seeing how it goes.

This is keeping the Minsteries, from being able to round itself
out, even more, so it will be later, when this really begins to be for
all of them, but now, Zoua is the Scribe and is the equal to any
within, and outside of the Church, and works directly with the Holy
Splendor, as their Scribe, giving their lessons and sermons, to those,
who want to find a more positive energy and loving Christianity.

The Jedi and the Dream Dancers use dreams as symbolic information and
role play with each figure character, to see what that character has
to say to them. They keep doing this, until the background is the only
thing left, then they do the background, for the wrap up.

This means getting two chairs, facing each other, one is for the
dreamer and the other is for the figure, dream character. The dreamer
starts off, by asking, " What do you have to say to me? " The dreamer
then gets up, crosses to the opposite chair, and becomes the dream character, answering, by how they
feel, as the dream character, about what they stand for.

To have this work, the dreamer must be able to become the dream
character and be open with their responses, both must be. This can
lead to some very heavy or light thing,s coming out. If its too heavy,
stop, and wait, till you can have someone, who has done it before,
to help you through it.

To help you become more focused on your bodymind, and your feelings,
you can do this partially clothed or naked. I say naked, so you know
this is for getting down and exploring thoroughly the reason you
have this dream symbol character.

This technique comes from Gestalt Therapy.

May the Microcosmic Force be With You!

EG- # 16

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Coffeehouses are a great place to go to, but whenever, a Jedi or a
Dream Dancer goes, he or she or it- is always at relaxed vigil, of any
danger, that may be coming their way, not only on the physical and
mental level, but also on the psychic/spiritual level, as well.

What this means- always be aware that danger can come at any time, but
don't necessarily think about it, simply let yourself stretch out
your feelings, trust your feelings, to warn you, of any danger, not
simply just before it happens, but in plenty of time, to be ready, for

Always know your escape routes, or if you have to make your own, be
aware of what's going to be in the line of fire, when you use the
Microcosmic Force, to provide the necessary escape route.

Jedi, nor Dream Dancers, look for fights, nor do we fight just to be
fighting, but when necessary- we do what's necessary, to the point
that we, or who we are looking out for, is safe.

Jedi and Dream Dancers use the Microcosmic Force, the Truth is happening
here and now. There and then is something to be looked at, and if
needed- transformed, to make the here and now, more in balance.

Jedi and Dream Dancers utilize technology, to where it feels right to
do so, but they learn to not have the use of technology, too. This
is to their interests, or necessity.

The Jedi only creates actions, if the Microcosmic Force is with him/her/it. This
means- the Microcosmic Force isn't controling the Jedi, but that he/she/it uses the
Microcosmic Force, and is used by the Microcosmic Force- to create Truth in everything
he/she/it does.

The Microcosmic Force is found- within all life forms, and may be utilized by those
life forms, just as it is found, within humans. We don't have
exclusive rights to the Microcosmic Force. Truth=The Microcosmic Force is found, within each
being, and is expressed b y that Jedi/Dream Dancer, then it becomes theMicrocosmic Force I-outside, as it
continues to deliver Truth- here and now.

Jedi practices those non-patterns, such as walking, running, exercise,
stretching and others, that works the whole Microcosmin Bodymind.

Jedis/Dream Dancers practice using their psychic abilities, talents and skills,
expanding them, as they rise in knowledge of the Microcosmic Force, and of the
environment, around them.

Jedi are environmentally conscious; they protect the Environment, just
as they would other life forms. The planet is alive; humans have
carefully kept themselves from hearing, listening, to the Earth's
voice, so they can continue, to be the environmental criminals, they

The Earth is to be protected and worked with, in harmony, and in
friendship; if you don't do that, then you're part of the criminal
problem that's destroying the Earth.

Jedi/Dream Dancers are those, who work with their total beings, and don't simply
rely on their mental talents, abilities and skills. They know
this is the limited way to be; they want to only exist, in the
total life expression they're in, or are creating, at the moment.

The Jedi and the Dream Dancer are creating the reality, they're
working, standing, acting in; others around them, can utilize the
Truth being expressed, or not.

We are the Jedi! We are Dream Dancers! Truth is our living, and our
life; we know and utilize the Microcosmic Force; we create the expression of
it, the depth of it, the knowing and seeing of it, with every breath,
and between every breath, we take.

The Microcosmic Force is the Jedi and the Dream Dancer, as it's every person,
being, in existence, and who wants to come into existence. You're
your own Truth; this is the only way you can exist, on any plane
of existence, or in any dream universe; you cannot be any other
way- than you, expressing you.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

EG- # 15

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Many people would like to control the weather, making the world a
safer place to live, while at the same time living day by day,
polluting on a level, where added, to all the other humans on the
planet, make this planet- on the way to a complete meltdown, and
humans will pay the price.

Recycling, etc., is good, but as long as you have those who think they can rape the earth, and still live to talk about it, you're
going to have the movement, of the final exodus, of the human race- into

It may already be too late, by conventional means; that leaves
unconventional work, to save the planet, and humans, too. How can this
be done, through Microcosmic Blessings Circles, Affirmations by
single persons, Affirm Blessings, which blend with those of the
macrocosmic religions, philosophies, and social living. Add to this,
the superstengthing of each Blessing, and you have a very strong
psychic-spiritual meditation, capable of changing Universes,
not only planets.

It may be that psychic and spiritual Microcosmic Blessings, within
the psychic, telepathic, telesourcing and spiritual talents, abilities
and skills is the only thing going to save you and your
family. Psychic talents, abilities and skills are not bad for you,
but in fact are a way of adding to your knowing, and your seeing, what
life is to you, from within yourself, and how to see what other people
see life to be. You have to be self-responsible,
totally self-responsible. You must decide whether you're going to be
self-responsible, or if you're going to be a chess piece, in someone
else idea of what makes truth, etc..

The Microcosmic Force is created by you acting on Microcosmic Necessity Truth,
which can only be found- within you. This is the Microcosmic Force; it comes
into being, when you follow, and act upon, your own Micrcosmic Necessity
Truth. To be Truth- you must act without thinking, simply trusting
your feelings, and acting with full life energy, because there's no
doubt in your mind; your faith in your own spirit, and your ability to
do what's necessary to be done, is there in full energy Truth, to make what you do, done

The Microcosmic Force comes from you; what isn't used by you is allowed to go out
from you and become the Microcosmic Force, outside, of those who create it. It
isn't polluted, because it's Truth; it remains that, nothing
untruthful can come close to it, because of the energy,
which the Microcomsic Force/the Truth creates, both are exclusive to themselves,
and repel any other energy, that might try to interact with them. The
Microcosmic Force is the Microcosmic Force, it cannot be other than what it is. Nor can you.

To listen to others, and try to be within their creative
interpretation, of what's good, etc., is to block your own ability to
know what's right for you- by trusting the Microcosmic Force, knowing it's the
only truth- you can act upon to be true to yourself.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you here and now!

EG- # 14

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In the window of the mind, comes the light of Truth, Truth is the
creative conception of the Microcosmic Force. The Microcosmic Force is your Truth, no other
but yours; those who know how to see the Microcosmic Force can look upon your
Truth, and by trusting their feelings, see your truth, this Truth
will, or at least can be, used by them, to discover their own Truth, and
by doing this create the Microcosmic Force.

The Force is Truth and Truth is the Force.

The best way to always, or choose, to work in the environment of the
Microcosmic Force is to trust your feelings, act and live, out of the Truth
found within you, and once seen, and acted upon, it becomes the Microcosmic Force.

The Microcosmic Force is not dependent on your Seeing and Knowing your Truth, but
in helps in the creation, recognition and wonder, of the Microcosmic Force.
It is an Microcosmic Holistic Experience.

When you live and move in the Microcosmic Force, you are a Jedi Knight, Jedi
Ranger Jedi Defender, or Jedi/ Dream Dancer, but there comes a time, when you must decide
to make the final choice, and become a Dream Dancer, totally
responsible, for what you do, and look to no outside source, for the
answers you need, for any answer is within you, withn the Truth, you

What color is the Microcosmic Force- it's Crystal White; it goes far beyond
that. To know the Microcosic Force is to First know yourself, see the Truth, at
each here and now enviornment you find yourself in, or you create, by
trusting your feelings.

Dream Dancing is the final state, for the true Jedi, but many aren't
ready to give up the need, for an outside source, that can help them,
thus keeping themselves tied to others; they remain Jedis, but their ability
to know truth is colored by their need to not be self-responsible, for
their own Super Microcosmic Totality-BodyMind-Being. Jedi doesn't necessary deny their own responsibility, and when they do not, they are equal to Dream Dancers, in their ability to be themselves.

Jedi Healers see what's wrong with the person, but help the person
heal themselves, by seeing the Truth of what will make their self-
created problem, work through itself, and become free of the need for
colloberation, and make each Jedi aware, they're self-
responsible, for their health.

Jedi are going to be the PeaceMakers, and shall be of the Earth
Protectorate. All Jedi and Dream Dancers watch out for the
einvironment, others; they help them help themselves, and
don't do i,t for them.

The Dank side of the Force is to allow anger, murderous rage, etc.
take you over, where you're simply a puppet of your own lack of
control, and the puppet of another, who wants to use you without
remorse or care for you.

Jedi use knowledge, psychic action, past lives knowledge, star
knowledge, and much more to help the planet. They go naked, clothed,
equally easily, and do not find either, embarassing, in any situation.

Learn the ways of the Jedi and the Dream Dancer. The Microcosmic Force
awaits your understanding, and acting, without thinking.

EG- # 13

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Today, is the day of awareness and reckoning. What reckoning? The
reckoning, where you decide whether you're going to be a spiritual
person, or a person who follows logic or emotions, making up their
minds, by reading about ethics, philosophy, etc.. When my turn came to
decide this, it wasn't easy, for to be spiritual, means- you have
to put a boundary on your life, where you will do certain things and
certain things you won't.

Many look upon spirituality, as a lessening, of what they can do, in the
real world. I would say to you- the real world is the spiritual
world; your wanting the mass things available, to you, from the
industrial and technological society, is in fact- the fantasy: it's
like a drug, you're using and mainlining.

It gives you outside manipulation and sounds, so you don't have
to think, but can simply be within the many things available, and
never having to do anything, for what's going to give you growth,
within yourself, though you may have much knowledge, if you don't
know how to put it into action, it isn't going to be much help to you.

We're inudated, with visuals and sounds, so we can get off, on what we
hear and see, without having to think, about anything; we can live off
the vibrations given us by the technological marvels.

Experience- where we have to do things on our own, that we choose
experience, building from that experience, is what the Jed/Dream Danceri is all about. As
you gain in knowledge; you gain in ability to do. This is what
helps you ready, for the final destination of being a full fledged
Jedi Knight/Jedi/Dream Dancer.

This isn't the last jump though. It can be, but there's even a more
healthy jump, that can be taken from- Jedi Knight to Dream Dancer,
where you recognize and act on- you're the highest source for
you; you look to your own ability, to know, through trusting your
feelings, and acting without thinking, to know what you need to know,
when you need it.

You don't have to have preknowledge, to do that which needs to be done,
when you trust your feelings, you only have to know- there's
nothing you cannot do, within the creation of Truth, your Truth,
within, which is truth, for all who look upon it, but they see it in
their own particular way.

The Microcosmic Force is this truth, it'is what creates it, and what's created
from it. It does not go away, but flows through the Universe and
far beyond, as Truth; it can be what it feels itself to be;-Truth, which is, and creates, the Microcosmic Force.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you here and now!