Wednesday, April 28, 2010

EG- # 16

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Coffeehouses are a great place to go to, but whenever, a Jedi or a
Dream Dancer goes, he or she or it- is always at relaxed vigil, of any
danger, that may be coming their way, not only on the physical and
mental level, but also on the psychic/spiritual level, as well.

What this means- always be aware that danger can come at any time, but
don't necessarily think about it, simply let yourself stretch out
your feelings, trust your feelings, to warn you, of any danger, not
simply just before it happens, but in plenty of time, to be ready, for

Always know your escape routes, or if you have to make your own, be
aware of what's going to be in the line of fire, when you use the
Microcosmic Force, to provide the necessary escape route.

Jedi, nor Dream Dancers, look for fights, nor do we fight just to be
fighting, but when necessary- we do what's necessary, to the point
that we, or who we are looking out for, is safe.

Jedi and Dream Dancers use the Microcosmic Force, the Truth is happening
here and now. There and then is something to be looked at, and if
needed- transformed, to make the here and now, more in balance.

Jedi and Dream Dancers utilize technology, to where it feels right to
do so, but they learn to not have the use of technology, too. This
is to their interests, or necessity.

The Jedi only creates actions, if the Microcosmic Force is with him/her/it. This
means- the Microcosmic Force isn't controling the Jedi, but that he/she/it uses the
Microcosmic Force, and is used by the Microcosmic Force- to create Truth in everything
he/she/it does.

The Microcosmic Force is found- within all life forms, and may be utilized by those
life forms, just as it is found, within humans. We don't have
exclusive rights to the Microcosmic Force. Truth=The Microcosmic Force is found, within each
being, and is expressed b y that Jedi/Dream Dancer, then it becomes theMicrocosmic Force I-outside, as it
continues to deliver Truth- here and now.

Jedi practices those non-patterns, such as walking, running, exercise,
stretching and others, that works the whole Microcosmin Bodymind.

Jedis/Dream Dancers practice using their psychic abilities, talents and skills,
expanding them, as they rise in knowledge of the Microcosmic Force, and of the
environment, around them.

Jedi are environmentally conscious; they protect the Environment, just
as they would other life forms. The planet is alive; humans have
carefully kept themselves from hearing, listening, to the Earth's
voice, so they can continue, to be the environmental criminals, they

The Earth is to be protected and worked with, in harmony, and in
friendship; if you don't do that, then you're part of the criminal
problem that's destroying the Earth.

Jedi/Dream Dancers are those, who work with their total beings, and don't simply
rely on their mental talents, abilities and skills. They know
this is the limited way to be; they want to only exist, in the
total life expression they're in, or are creating, at the moment.

The Jedi and the Dream Dancer are creating the reality, they're
working, standing, acting in; others around them, can utilize the
Truth being expressed, or not.

We are the Jedi! We are Dream Dancers! Truth is our living, and our
life; we know and utilize the Microcosmic Force; we create the expression of
it, the depth of it, the knowing and seeing of it, with every breath,
and between every breath, we take.

The Microcosmic Force is the Jedi and the Dream Dancer, as it's every person,
being, in existence, and who wants to come into existence. You're
your own Truth; this is the only way you can exist, on any plane
of existence, or in any dream universe; you cannot be any other
way- than you, expressing you.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

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