Tuesday, April 27, 2010

EG- # 13

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Today, is the day of awareness and reckoning. What reckoning? The
reckoning, where you decide whether you're going to be a spiritual
person, or a person who follows logic or emotions, making up their
minds, by reading about ethics, philosophy, etc.. When my turn came to
decide this, it wasn't easy, for to be spiritual, means- you have
to put a boundary on your life, where you will do certain things and
certain things you won't.

Many look upon spirituality, as a lessening, of what they can do, in the
real world. I would say to you- the real world is the spiritual
world; your wanting the mass things available, to you, from the
industrial and technological society, is in fact- the fantasy: it's
like a drug, you're using and mainlining.

It gives you outside manipulation and sounds, so you don't have
to think, but can simply be within the many things available, and
never having to do anything, for what's going to give you growth,
within yourself, though you may have much knowledge, if you don't
know how to put it into action, it isn't going to be much help to you.

We're inudated, with visuals and sounds, so we can get off, on what we
hear and see, without having to think, about anything; we can live off
the vibrations given us by the technological marvels.

Experience- where we have to do things on our own, that we choose
experience, building from that experience, is what the Jed/Dream Danceri is all about. As
you gain in knowledge; you gain in ability to do. This is what
helps you ready, for the final destination of being a full fledged
Jedi Knight/Jedi/Dream Dancer.

This isn't the last jump though. It can be, but there's even a more
healthy jump, that can be taken from- Jedi Knight to Dream Dancer,
where you recognize and act on- you're the highest source for
you; you look to your own ability, to know, through trusting your
feelings, and acting without thinking, to know what you need to know,
when you need it.

You don't have to have preknowledge, to do that which needs to be done,
when you trust your feelings, you only have to know- there's
nothing you cannot do, within the creation of Truth, your Truth,
within, which is truth, for all who look upon it, but they see it in
their own particular way.

The Microcosmic Force is this truth, it'is what creates it, and what's created
from it. It does not go away, but flows through the Universe and
far beyond, as Truth; it can be what it feels itself to be;-Truth, which is, and creates, the Microcosmic Force.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you here and now!

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