Tuesday, April 27, 2010

EG- # 14

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In the window of the mind, comes the light of Truth, Truth is the
creative conception of the Microcosmic Force. The Microcosmic Force is your Truth, no other
but yours; those who know how to see the Microcosmic Force can look upon your
Truth, and by trusting their feelings, see your truth, this Truth
will, or at least can be, used by them, to discover their own Truth, and
by doing this create the Microcosmic Force.

The Force is Truth and Truth is the Force.

The best way to always, or choose, to work in the environment of the
Microcosmic Force is to trust your feelings, act and live, out of the Truth
found within you, and once seen, and acted upon, it becomes the Microcosmic Force.

The Microcosmic Force is not dependent on your Seeing and Knowing your Truth, but
in helps in the creation, recognition and wonder, of the Microcosmic Force.
It is an Microcosmic Holistic Experience.

When you live and move in the Microcosmic Force, you are a Jedi Knight, Jedi
Ranger Jedi Defender, or Jedi/ Dream Dancer, but there comes a time, when you must decide
to make the final choice, and become a Dream Dancer, totally
responsible, for what you do, and look to no outside source, for the
answers you need, for any answer is within you, withn the Truth, you

What color is the Microcosmic Force- it's Crystal White; it goes far beyond
that. To know the Microcosic Force is to First know yourself, see the Truth, at
each here and now enviornment you find yourself in, or you create, by
trusting your feelings.

Dream Dancing is the final state, for the true Jedi, but many aren't
ready to give up the need, for an outside source, that can help them,
thus keeping themselves tied to others; they remain Jedis, but their ability
to know truth is colored by their need to not be self-responsible, for
their own Super Microcosmic Totality-BodyMind-Being. Jedi doesn't necessary deny their own responsibility, and when they do not, they are equal to Dream Dancers, in their ability to be themselves.

Jedi Healers see what's wrong with the person, but help the person
heal themselves, by seeing the Truth of what will make their self-
created problem, work through itself, and become free of the need for
colloberation, and make each Jedi aware, they're self-
responsible, for their health.

Jedi are going to be the PeaceMakers, and shall be of the Earth
Protectorate. All Jedi and Dream Dancers watch out for the
einvironment, others; they help them help themselves, and
don't do i,t for them.

The Dank side of the Force is to allow anger, murderous rage, etc.
take you over, where you're simply a puppet of your own lack of
control, and the puppet of another, who wants to use you without
remorse or care for you.

Jedi use knowledge, psychic action, past lives knowledge, star
knowledge, and much more to help the planet. They go naked, clothed,
equally easily, and do not find either, embarassing, in any situation.

Learn the ways of the Jedi and the Dream Dancer. The Microcosmic Force
awaits your understanding, and acting, without thinking.

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