Wednesday, April 28, 2010

EG- # 18

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Is this the only possible world, the physical world, we live in.
All you have to do is walk through a woods, by a lake, by an ocean,
etc., and you feel... there's something there, beyond what you
see, and what you can touch. This we call Mystery, it's the energy
coming from the individual whole/full, which is not used by the
form. It's more than that, by being its own whole, once it leaves,
or parts from, the original energy; it becomes more than simply an
energy, it becomes aware, through feeling, and starts acting without
needing to think. It is the Microcosmic Force.

In the Holy Splendor Ministries, this acting in the only way you can
to be true to yourself, is the Light of God, and is the way God talks
to those who are born out of the trueness of becoming more limited so
they can interact with others. These beings are called God-Is, for they
still see the need to have a higher power, than themselves.

Jedi/Dream Dancers, on the other hand, don't need a higher power; they
are- the highest spiritual source for them. They interact with the
Microcosmic Force, and any other being only if it is the only act they can do to
be true to themselves.

Jedi and Dream Dancers, both, utilize psychic talents, abilities and
skills; they use the Microcosmic Force, or Mystery, to help them find the
answers they might not see if they did not have this interaction.
Jedi/Dream Dancers utilize the Microcosmic Force, as a friend, who works with them in
any action, because it's within their, and theMicrocosmic Force's, to do so; it's
the only act, for both of them, that gives the Truth, within the
creative answer, for any action.

Jedi/Dream Dancers only look to themselves, for spiritual guidance,
they're the creators of the Microcosmic Force, by doing these acts, which are the
only act they can do to be true to themselves. The life energy, not
used up in these actions, separate from the original life energy,
becoming the Microcosmic Force, which acts in the only way it can to be
true to itself.

The Microcosmic Force is not a whole, made up of little independents, each individual energy form, is a whole
action, they are the Microcosmic Force, they act in the only way they can to be
true to themselves. Microcosmic Force is the way Dream Dancers
reach out and touch others, psychic talent- is born. However, this isn't the
only way beings can communciate, feel, each other; in all
actions are life energy patterns, etc., to help create contact, with the creator of this, individual
life energy form, and any who have contacted it.

The Microcosmic Force is a friend, and more than than it is, when the need is
there, an self-directed/self-authority of what is best, for it to do,
in any instant. Just like it is, for the Dream Dancer/Jedi, who acts in the
only way they can to be true to themselves, by choice, and isn't
compelled to do so.

May the Microcosmic Force be With You!

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