Wednesday, May 26, 2010

EG # 132 Peace

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

If it is hard for you to feel, visualize the Microcosmic Force, first, use the visualization of it as Peace; create Peace, build Peace, maintain Peace, utilize Peace, as a real energy, building peaceful movements, creating the answer, you want, in tandem, with the Microcosmic Force.

Peace, Silence, Listening, Feeling, Doing, Joy, Happiness, etc., are all qualities, and drives, of the Microcosmic Force, but the Microcosmic Force is not limited by these, but stands beyond all of them.

Yet, to train yourself, in how to utilize- the Microcosmic Force- Practice, Do, Create, Maintain your Self, your Bodymind, in the quality, the drive, the creative energy, of Peace!

Peace lives in your actions, your movements, your thoughts, your feelings, your wants, your needs, and all that you are, for it is a choice, of how, to live your life, to the divinity/Spirit, within you, your Self-Genesis.

Peace is felt in love, tranquility, joy, happiness, accomplishment, trust in your feelings, blessings, etc., live your life, being a creator of Peace, and through this attainment, act without thinking, doing the only act you can do to be true to yourself.

Monday, May 24, 2010

EG- # 131

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What is the strongest energy in the physical, mental worlds- Love.
Love is a meaning, of the ability, within you, to share, with another, and
at the same time, realize, there are two, not one.

Love, means allowing the other person(s), to be 100% of themselves, and
you be- 100%, of yourself.

Love is only smothering, when you use it to fill in what you feel you
don't have within yourself. Love here isn't love, but vamping.

Love means being self-responsible, allowing others, to be
self-responsible to.

Love means sharing, with others, caring with others, and living with
others, by allowing them, to make their own decisions, and doing what
they need, to be, to grow, on their spiritual paths.

Love means- if the person you love needs to go on, to go beyond
your love, it means letting them go, and by doing so, growing, within
yourself, to realize- love can bring happiness and unhappiness, at
the same time- Paradox.

To be able to love anyone, you must first love yourself.

Rescuing, dependence, ownership of another, cruelty, violent
relationships are not Love, they're expressions of power, and wanting
to control other(s). Don't confuse the two.

Love of a child, is when you realize, and work from, the child
has its own path; you're there to nuture and guide, without
putting the child into a way, that isn't their way, but your way, for
your own ego, or you own cultural belief, this is the best, for
anyone to do. Allow the child to follow their own path

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

EG # 130

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Community, to the Jedi and Dream Dancers, mean something different,
than it does, in the macrocosmic worlds, most people, try to live

In Macro societies, life is bred, to interact with each other, so
leaders can form, then lead the others, while using this power, to
gather, their own personal wealth.

This is the Hierarchial Society; where everyone gets to be in their
own level; they have to fight, to be able to jump levels, or come
up with a better scheme, which will rule out a scheme, already going

Survival of the wealthiest, means the wealthy keep getting wealthy;
the rest of the people, they don't give a damn about.

This is the American Way.

Jedi/Dream Dancers see community, as a network, where each person, trust
their feelings, and act in the only way they can to be true to
themselves. There are no leaders, only actioneers, who start a
movement, with the boundary, of what's important to them, then others,
who see it ( or feel it, without seeing the actual movement ) feel if
they want to do something with it or not. If they do- they don't use
it as it is, but utilize its inner works, to create new add on, or
create a totally new path, which works with the first, but is a new
entity- unto itself.

The other path is total annihilation, of the original energy,
transforming, to a new whole, which reflects, the new person's view of
the first, or gives rise to new actions, in the listener, who uses its
energy reflection, within him/her, to start a whole new train of action.

This works, for any energy, action, thought, etc., for others, do not
simply accept the action energy, from a person, they're viewing, but
use it as a stimulus, to reflect, where they're at- here and now.

Network community works and thrives on- here and now, trusting
their feelings, and acting, to make what they see, into a real
experience, in reality.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

EG- # 129

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

We are not alone in the Universe. We have found out, over the
centuries, the hard way, by our races being kidnapped, taken aboard
spaceships, and have criminal activity, done to us.

These same criminals, and new additions, are readying, to expand
the war, they have, and are, waging against the human race.

We're in a war, with them, but we have the double whammy- of having, to
overcome the psychological/physiological/social damage and control,
they have put on us abductees, and our friends, who are used, in a
variety of ways.

We have to work now, to free ourselves, from these compunctions, they've put on us, and start a counterinsurgency movment, to keep our
freedom, this means making the earth, all of earth, free and

Religions and states are the curse of government and organization, in
keeping citizens, and others, organized, by threat, and so called
justice. This is because they have investment, in keeping people ,under
their thumb/control, so they make money, and enjoy great wealth, while
keeping 99% of the rest of humanity without, or living, on the edge, of

Free yourself; begin to deprogram your programming, put within you,
by the Constellation/Ancients.

Start with affirmation, meditation and recognizing the value, and the
deep knowledge, found within symbology.

May the MicrocosmicForce be with You!

EG- # 128

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Everyone wants to know- how do I exist, who or what created me, am I
only this bodymind, or do I exist apart, from my bodymind. Am I limited
by my bodymind, or do I, or can I, go beyond- its physica/mental limitations?

The answer- to all of the above, is Self-Genesis, No one or no
supernatural force outside yourself, created you; you created you,
because it was the only act you could do to be true to yourself. You
continue to do so, as long as, it is microcosmically necessary, for you,
to do so.

This means- you reincarnate, in different environments and forms/shapes;
you reflect what you feel you need to do to be true to yourself.

The physical/mental existence you're living, in the Universe, isn't
limiting on you, you use the Universe, to learn, to test, to feel,
to know, to see and to bring your theories, to see, if they're right or
wrong, for you.

What goes before the creation of the spirit- ,

,; what you are you can never know, for
it's beyond the scope of human limitation, to know it, when you
think you may have a clue about it; it isn't that anymore. Whatever we
may be able to know of ,

, is what it may have been, and never
what it is, or it may be a movement, but your ability to interpret it
will be limited by your ability to know what's truly moving.

It is Paradox- you're more than you seem; you can never know
all you are, because you are life, and life is, before it is capable of
being studied or felt, etc., this is acting without thinking and far,
far, far beyond it.

Paradox gives rise to life; life gives rise, to dreams of doing,
doing gives rise, to finding the way to accomplish what you
want/will be done, to express the only act you can do to be true to

This is true creation, in doing the only act you can
do to be true to your total self, you create the Microcosmic Force,
Microcosmic Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings, Affirm Blessings, which blesses the act you
are doing, which is true for you, and anyone else, who may see it,
but they will see in it, the only act they can do to be true to
themselves, thus truth is individual, to each of us, yet can be known,
through the action, of the environment, and life around us.

Practice peace, love, tranquility, relaxation, focus on your third
eye, know it's your whole being, not just a single place upon
your bodymind.

Spiritual movement is different, than physical movement;
spiritual movement is vibratory movement, transform of place and
event, occurs instantanously, without thought, simply acting to the
only act you can do to be true to yourself.

This, and any act of truth, you do, creates the Microcosmic Force, but at the same
time, you create the Microcosmic Force, simply by your spirit and bodymind, they
are the only act you can do to be true to yourself.

The Microcosmic Force, draws the Microcosmic Force to it, so you are within the ntework of the
Microcosmic Force 24/7, and beyond.

You may work in a guide and guided relationship, with the Microcosmic Force, or you
can use it as a check on what you're doing, or as a creative partner,
who you work with, to finalize your thoughts, your ideas and your actions.

May the Microcosmic Force work, with you, instantanously, or in act by act!

EG- # 127

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Paradox is the creation of life, meaning- opposites of each other,
happening at the exact same time, creates whole life. Opposition doesn't
necessarily mean conflict, it can mean interaction, leading to new
forms, ideas, thoughts, creativity, awareness of life and yourself.

Paradox is the key to life; o living. Those who want to keep
opposites out of their life ( we're not talking about negativity, but
positive energy flows, circles, prototype beginnings, etc. ) are
restricting their ability, to be creative, thoughtful, aware, authentic
and open, to their own inner and outer happenings.

Negativity flows are that, which has been created by a being, etc., in
holding in/back/down/blocking out/repressing. This can be in no
formal being, but simply, in the flows of energy, in flowing
together, have natural reactions- of holding back, stopping, wanting to
build trust- rather than accepting carte blanche, etc..

Negative reactions can be good, or they can build upon a being's
unwillingness, to look at something, within themselves, or outside of
themselves, creating fear, of the unknown, fear of a known, or feelings
of clairvoyance, where you feel something going on, even if you aren't
involved, in it.

This last negativity, is that, which we work, to transform; the
difficulty level, is how armored you are, making your reaction-response,
to it. You deny it, then it is very strong, because you're denying
yourself. Work out that negativity.

Some use negative actions, etc., as the way to get through life,
to one-upmanship against all, within their environments; these people
are in denial, of that ,which is going on within them, and take perverse
pleasure, in getting something over- another being. This can only happen
to the extent, you allow them, to control you.

You're responsible, for your protection, so it's advisable, to learn
one of the martial arts ( boxing, though well thought of- is a method
that causes damage, and sometimes, permanent damage, to the fighters,
thus is a negative application of self-defense ); my favorite is Kenpo
Karate, started by Ed Parker - now deceased - Joe Dimmick was my
instructor; a very good one, too. Martial arts is a flow creating
methodology, allowing you to be grounded, centered and defensive, in
that you use your opponents strengths against them.

Tai Kwan Do, is another good martial art, in many dojos, they do
medtiation, healing and study the spirituality, behind the techniques
and kicks, of the style. My only concern with this is, these are
macrocosmic ideas, and do not correlate, with my microcosmic ones.

Remember- in all areas, where you meet others, or other things, you
practice touch-contact, with them. In doing this, you're creating an
environment, where both, can get, the most, out of the experience, if they
want or choose to. It's the responsibility, of each person/being, to
make that choice, for his/her/it self.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

EG- # 126

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In the pursuit of spiritual truth, we look to ourselves ,to make
decisions, and to, create the life we want.

In social systems, they want you to separate yourself into two parts,
your social self, and your spiritual self. This is a negative way of

Politics, society, culture are all things created by someone, then
brought to others, to convince them, to live their lives, by another's
finding, of their brand of truth.

Thinking is limited; macrocosmic spirituality is limited; both are
based on hierarchies of power, even when, they do good acts, the reason
they do so is a negative belief, in looking outside of themselves, for

Politics, society, culture, etc., are things to look at, to see if
anything strikes you, but not to live your life by, because others say
this is so, but because you work with it; you feel it's right, for

Governments cannot stand- where individuals, live, to the trust in their
feelings, because there is no outside force, that can be more right,
than the individual listening to their own trust, in their feelings.

All forms of outside control, security, etc., are ideas; ideas must
create a comfortability, within you; it has to feel right, for you,
to follow it, at this here and now experience, but each experience must
be looked at, felt, listened to, and trust in your feelings, for not
every situational experience will mean you do the same thing. You're
your own ranger, and as such, you live your life, to your inner trust,
in your own feelings, your psychic talents, abilities and skills, and
your understanding of knowledge, as a doorway, which must prove itself
the right way, when any situational experience makes itself known.

May the Microcosmic Force Be with You!

EG- # 125

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace means- not only without violence, manipulation, force or mental
conditioning/torture; it means- to live your life, in harmony, with
yourself, with others.

Peace is created by each of us, within ourselves, within our
actions, with our environments.

Peace doesn't exist, until we create the Peace Energy, which gives the
sight, a knowing and a shape, to Peace, in all of its splendor, known
and unknown.

Don't limit peace, to working only to what you know of it, but work
with acting within peace, creating peace without thought,
allowing free peace, to come into the world, to teach how not to make
peace into a dogma, but a continuing evolving way of living, that we
choose, and act upon, through our relations with others.

Peace is a demartial art; this method, of seeing, the beauty of
Peace, and the action of Peace Energy, may be experience by TenDo, at:

You can create Peace, and Peace Energy, by trusting your feelings;
acting without thinking.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

Microcosmic Blessings upon you and yours!

EG- # 124

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

We're our total being/totality/bodymind; each reflects the
limitations and the experiences of the other. The makeup, of the being,
totality, bodymind is working in aspects of experience. What this
means is- you within yourself, has created aspects ( like file
drawers ), which correspond, to something you wish to remember or work
with, as an individual file, when you feel it's the right experience,
to do so.

Two of these aspects are within and without. The within have aspects
such as: inner totality, inner center, feelings, emotions, thoughts,
dreams, etc..

The without is the bodymind, the aura, the etheric double, the
inbetween, lives, etc..

We use aspects, within the totality, of the Microcosmic Whole Life or
Microcosmic Whole Life Process.

Aspects and experience is a process, which allows thought, creativity,
and doing, to come from, the awareness, and the listening, of what's
truly being felt, to create movement, to answer or to resolve- problems,
to create new things, to try new things, to live life to your
ability to do so- freely, without blocks, repressions and prejudgements.

The totality of what you do is up to you; laws, etc., are not
effectual, in creating the person you want to be. Laws are cultural
likes, which they put into a law, to make all know, this is what they're
supposed to do; the community will punish anyone, who doesn't do it-
this way.

This is called threatening with mass power. Courts are simply cultural
institutions, who hand out judgements, as a community representative,
whether the action done is true or false, it has to give way, to mass
need, which is the cause of laws and enforcement.

Justice is a cultural haven, for those, who want, to create a world, in
which, they control all aspects of it, so they don't have to worry
about theft, death, etc.. They're willing to become zombies, to follow
laws, thought up by those, who want to influence cultural workings, and
again, it doesn't matter, if its truth or not- cultural needs outweigh
truth and true justice.

The individual is a microcosmic whole, within and without is
simply a way to describe, where the person feels the experience is
coming from, where they're working from, where they're creating
from, and where they're mining, to get bits of information, to help on
what they're doing.

Remember: Deal with experience- as a Microcosmic Bodymind Whole; you
have no parts- only one single organic whole.

May the MIcrocosmic Force be with You!

EG- # 123

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Everyone wants to look beautiful, but beauty, without the humility and
willingness, to live your life free of worry over that beauty, means you
cross into the shadows of obessions.

Obsessions are varied, but almost all are seen, as the answe,r to all of
life's questions, fears, etc.. If you have your beauty/looks, then
everything's all right.

To bring out a balanced view of beauty, and what it stands for, within
your idea of yourself, your identity of yourself; you begin by
realizing beauty is transitory; it doesn't last forever; one day
you're going to have to rely on all of you, rather than creating your
beauty, as a means to get what you want, to keep others, in your
service, etc..

Beauty is enhance and grows in depth, when the person, whose beauty is
acknowledge or not by others, when it is partnered with 1. humility,
2. it's only one aspect of the total being, 3. is simply one effect of
your total identity, etc. 4. is seen as a product, but you recognize
the difference between work beauty and inner beauty, where your
identity creates a here and now, authentic totality, which enhances the
beauty, seen from the outside, and inner beauty, which
radiates from within, which transcends the physical beauty into a
spiritual, truth beauty, of which spiritual energy radiates from.

Cultural practices, especially in capitalistic countries, states,
local areas have many cultural demands on how you must live, to be one
of the community, read one of the herd, and not an outsider.

One of these is- the obession many have, with bathing and clothes,
cosmetics, deoderants, and facial and body oils, enhancements, etc..

All of these give rise to a class system, where the bottom line beauty,
is the way, to get ahead.

Women especially, but now equally men, get caught up in the beauty
game, and create stereotypical robotic non-living entities, which are
an image created, rather than an identity lived- authentically.

Make-up is seen as a buffer, from the world of reality; to the cover up,
of not real fantasy. Women and men, who depend on make-up, to hide their
real blemishes, etc., soon become addicted, to creating the false
persona, of the new creature, of cultural procedures, who does all they
can, to be a reflection of cultural tastes, and depravities.

Be yourself; see your beauty, as a reflection, of the beauty within;
live your life, to your own ethical and individual understanding;
practice your art of living.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

EG- # 122

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In the world today, we see many people lost, or so busy, they have
forgotten how to have fun, or so driven, they cannot enjoy themselves,
unless they're continually working, on what has become an obsession.

These obsessions, worries, drives, wants, likes, reactions, actions,
refusal to go beyond their current loss of ability to function in
society, because of games and tapes. Both these- games and tape,s are
what we have introjected, from the outside, or how we reacted to a
situation, where we froze in position, then continued to hold in, hold
down, hold back, and the frozen frame of reactive instinct or drive, so it
becomes chronic, then if held for even more time, it hardens, to a
concretial block, which can be seen in groups of muscles, which create
the frozen response/act/fear, within the bodymind, showing clearly, the
character trait and tree, that creates bodymind armor.

A character trait becomes chronic, when we shy away, from the frozen
statute, our holding in/down/back creates, formulating, in the
bodymind, by holding muscle groups, to a reflection, and a supporter, of
the original reaction-response.

A character tree is the redline character trait ( Wilhelm Reich-
Character Analysis and Orgone Energy ), form of the tree; the
branches build by the frozen reaction-response, with its reflective
bodymind frozen armor positioning. This position, shadow reflection is
in continual view, as the person moves, etc..

The character tree shows up in another way, and can be worked on,
through game and tape theory.

Game theory originated with Eric Berne, in his book " Games People
Play ". Here he divides the human consciousness into
Parent/Adult/Child. You might recognize this as the philosophical
discourse method of thesis-antithesis-synthesis ( one of the more
prominent philosophers to use this method- is Hegel ).

The parent is the rule and regulations, and the don't do this and
don't do that, and don't even move, because something horrible can
happen. These are brought into being by childhood experiences of
parental control, and educational propaganda ( the rules and regs,
so that a teacher can handle the class, no matter, they're doing
psychological damage, to the child, putting in their minds negative
conditioning, because of their inability to handle class sizes ),
which the person introjects, into a Caricature, of the person, who
implanted the threats or warnings, into their minds, or the criminals,
who hurt them, when they were young, middle aged, or old.

Once the child leaves the presence of the person, who caused the
reactive fear/anger/etc., which implodes, causing the parent, to come
up with their cliche answers; the child creates a shadow presence of
the person, who caused the reaction. In other words, the child
introjects a false image, to take the place of the actual person,
experience, when progenitor is no longer around them or in their

The parent, of course, isn't all bad, the rules and regulations
taught to the child by the parents, and some teachers, are needs, the
child is going to have to learn, to live in the world, in the family
and in public. Yet even good rules must be recognized as only
suggestions; the person must transform them, if the circumstance,
and his/her idea of how to handle the situation, means adapting the
learned behavioral control experience, to one that fits the situation.
This is pragmatism, of being open to doing what's necessary, to handle
the situation, and it can help, balanced out by the code of ethics- the
person has, or wants to have, so he/she acts in the way appropriate to
their internal ethical base.

The child is the one, who wants love, is innocent, loves
unconditionally ( which is a major aspect of Carl Rogers psychological
counseling methodology ), and is open, curious and ready to believe
what is told to him or her.

The child makes all adults responsible- to being open, honest,
authentic, sharing, caring, loving and self-responsible in everything
they do, with the child.

The opposite of this is the child, who is spoiled, fearful, haunted,
demanding, obsessive, wanting love, wanting to be heard, listened to,
played with, and seeing the world with eyes, trying to make themselves
heard by themselves, and others.

The adult is the synthesis of the Parent and the Child. It's the one,
which chooses the correct action to take, and the response, to outside
and internal stimuli. However, the adult is only as good, as its
ability, to show and work with both the child and the parent, in an
authentic and responsible way.

The adult uses psychological methodology of its choosing, to work with
the two other aspects of itself. It sees problems and works with them,
until the problem is resolved, mentally/bodymind/spiritually. All
three must resolve each problem, for themselves. This may be
instantaneous, with the resolvement, of one of the aspects, or may have to
be done, with each to create, a happy, healthy ability, to work with this
problem, and any one that comes up- like it.

How does the adult handle the problems it knows, and doesn't know
about? Here we look to how the mind categories these problems, fears,
unknowns, not trusting, etc..

To do this- we work with our mind, to find the tapes, which
are finite structures, which we have introjected, symbolized and worked
with, to make ourselves see how bad we are, how weak we are, how overly
structured we are, or how totally responsive reactive we are, to any
stress, responsibility, etc..

How do we do this? You begin by asking yourself " What mental tapes do
I use to live my life, here and now?

Do this with mental, bodymind and spirit.

List them all. Don't leave out a single one. You then, begin to work,
with the one you feel is the most important- right here and now.

You can role play, by making all the elements in the tape, into
figure/background, work with the figures, until you run out of them,
then finish with background. You hopefully will have an aha!experience
or Gestalt experience.

Many times, when you work ,with the core branch, and all other branches
close to it, the connecting branches can resolve themselves, or
be weakened in strength, so resolving them, will be easier.

No matter, if the resolvement, in the mental/spiritual is done, you must
work with the bodymind, to release the chronic holding in/down/back
that symbolizes that mental/spiritual/tapes, and the frozen emotional
outburst held within ,those frozen muscles.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you!

EG- # 121

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In relationships, whether friendly, love, business, etc., many times
there's a transference, where one party, allows the other, or others, to
be what they want to have in their lives. In otherwords, they create a
halo effect around the person, and transfer onto them, that, which they
need or want to have, in their life.

This can be a father, mother, sister, savior, etc., all kinds of
transferences occur, in everyday life, as well, in counseling situations,
where counselors watch for it, and wean the person away, from their need
of using the counselor as an object, rather than as a person, who they're
equal with.

Many times, this means giving the person the chance to talk about their
feelings, as well as, giving them the chance, to check out and work out
why they don't see, what they need, has to be resolve within them
first, then they can have an Aha! Experience, and know, they're
no longer chained to a loss, to a need, or to a delusion; they're
capable of being what they need, without anyone else.

Do you see yourself transfering emotions, dreams, etc., onto another
person- see what it is ,they're fulfilling within yourself. If
its too hard, then find a competent therapist, in the humanistic field,
to help you work, through this.

One way to do this is with short term therapy, where there's only six
sessions; you focus on one problem, and work on that, until it's
resolved, if new questions arise, then you can decide, if you want
further counseling, or want to try, to resolve them- yourself.

Another way, a spiritual way is to use Microcosmic Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings, or Affirm
Blessings, in any number you want, and innudate the problem, with these
Blessings, and at the same time- do an affirmation saying- you're
open- to the Microcosmic Blessing you're creating, touching the outside,
and engulfing the inside of it, turning it, to Microcosmic Crystal White

The High Performance Energy of Microcosmic Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings or Affirm
Blessings- brings about the transformation of the problem, to the level
you're willing, to let go of it, allowing the Blessings, to transform
it. The speed of this transformation is up to your body armor
resistance, to it.

When you feel the transformation of this problem, then find where,
within the bodymind, the armor is, for though it's weakened, it has a
separate existence, and will need help, to become soft bodymind tissue,
once again.

How do we help this armor, by stretching, massage, reaching for the
sky , dancing, which includes these muscle groups, and
tension/relaxation walking, etc.

Utilize the Microcosmic Force to help you in all your actions.

EG- # 120

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

One of the problems, all have to deal with, is money. In his book
" Moneylove ", Jerry Gillies tells us of two economic consciousnesses.
One is poverty consciousness, where you talk yourself out of doing
anything, which would help you, or sets you up to fail. The Second is
Prosperity Consciousness, where you're activie in your own success;
you utilize a variety of means, to achieve your goals.

In the book- I Deserve Love, Sondra Ray, shows us how affirmations,
repeated over and over, and, also, writing them a number of times,
allows us to put into our consciousness the new patterns, we want in
our lives, to bring us the success we're working for.

In his book- Entrepreneur, James White shows us how to set up a stock
corporation, to bring in ventrue capital.

Robert Allen, Nothing Down, shows us a number of ways, to buy real
estate, and become wealthy, by doing so.

All of the above is dealing with money, but it's dealing with
something else, it's dealing with goods, so in actuality you're
dealing- not with money, but with goods, you use, to create a
profit, for yourself and others; it gives you spending ability, or
trading ability, to gain what you want for yourself, or to continue to
do what you love, buying and selling real estate.

Robert Allen, Creating Wealth, shows a variety of ways you can do, to
create wealth, in your life. Not only money, but security, activities,
learning, doing and saving. All of this is to make your life, into the
life, you want to live.

Creativity, is another strong ingredient, in making, a happy life, for
yourself. Fine Arts are a major joy, within life, when the
government wants to cut it out, so only academic subjects be taught,
they're cutting their own throats, for creativity drives business,
and the acquiring of profit, to allow them to sit in their
congressional seats and make stupid laws against Art, Music, etc..

Picturing, is another way, of dealing with quesitons, coming up with
answers, etc., Einstein used this method, as do many other creative
and scientific people. You picture in your mind what you want to see,
do or find the answer to, then you put it down on paper, to explain
what you have discovered. After you figure out the right or least a viable answer.

Discovery, is another way of finding out new things. Don't be afraid
to use the libary, If you don't won't to read an entire book, scan
books and find/track down the ideas, within them, that fits you.
Become a scout, for new ideas.

Libraries are a very important aspect, to living in a capitalistic
society. Any move to close or limit usage or new book acquisitions,
is a strike against the general population, of the city, county,
state, and nation. Better to take away politicians pay, than close or
limit libraries.

May theMicrocosmic Force Be With You!

EG- # 119

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

We all have thoughts we considered bad, terrible, at one time or
another, but these bad thoughts, etc., are simply expressions, of what's
going on within us, and are symbols. Symbols can be worked with- by
utilizing Role-Playing.

Role Playing is where you put two chairs facing each other, one is you,
and the other is the element, symbol, you're working with ( this works
with dreams, daydreams, incidents, events, etc., as well ). You sit in
your chair representing you, and ask the symbol ( the chair facing you
) " What do you have to say to me? ". You get up, and sit in the
other chair, now facing the chair standing, for you; you're, now, the
symbol/element answering the question just put to it, by you. You continue
this, until you feel you have worked through this symbol, then go on, to
the next one.

Gestalt therapy gives us the way to decide, which elements, to use: they
use the same idea- they do, in dealing, with life experiences, that
need to be worked on= figure-background.

Figure is those symbols/elements, that stand out, from the background,
which is the rest of the total thought, dream, etc., you're working

You decide which symbol/element is figure, by if it stands out, from the
rest of the symbol/elements/background. You list these figure
symbols/elements, then work, with each one of them. When you have
done with them all, then you go back to the what is left of the
symbol/elements/background, and see if any new symbols/elements stand out, if they
do, you continue with the role-playing, till no symbols/elements stand
out. You finish by role-playing with background, which is all the rest
of the symbol/elements, that don't stand out.

This is the Gestalt Therapy technique, but as mentioned above- the
figure-background is a core element in Gestalt Therapy, for it allows
work, on the present emotion/reason/etc., that's bothering the person.

We do this in our daily life, there are many ideas, actions going on
around us, but we look only to those that pique our interest, or cause
a reaction with us, reflecting something going on within us.

You do this when you go shopping- there is a ton of background
elements, but you only go to those that grab your interests, the
rest is simply background, to those figure symbols/elements.

It may seem, background isn't really necessary, for dealing with
figure symbols/elements; this couldn't be farther from the truth, the
background, within its wholeness, is a symbol/element, that's a figure
in its own right. This is why we end by dealing with it as our way of
coming to closure, with this session.

Background gives texture, dimensional effect, color, vibration and
most of all, a total picture, of what the person is dealing with.

Figure-Background are ways of knowing ourselves, and what we're
experincing- right here and now. We deal with what we're living- here
and now; not there and then ( which is a waste of energy, for there's
nothing you can do about it, until it becomes figure-background- here
and now ).

Figure allows us to know new interests, hooks to bring new experiences
to us, and to show us, where problem areas are, and allows us the way to
work with them- here and now.

Figures may transform as you work through them, just continue working
with the new figure, as an extension of the first.

Remember- you do not own your thoughts; they're simply thoughts, which
you may act on or not. If you don't want them, simply dump them, or tell
them to go away, or fill them with crystal white light and transform
them, to that, which is a gift- to you.

When you're doing role-playing- be here and now; do not own what
you're working on- its simply an expression, of something going on
within you; you can feel free to deal with it now, or put it on
the backburner, to deal with later, or transform it, with crystal white
light, to a crystal white sun.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

EG- # 118

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What are the qualities Jedi, Dream Dancers and secular humans need to
get them through their day:

1. self-governing
2. self-authority
3. self-responsibility
4. self-respect
5. self-trust
6. self- creative
7. self-goals and accomplishments
8. self-social ethics
9. self- determination
10. self- feelings

Self-governing means- you choose what you do and how you do it. Govern
yourself, in doing so, you see what's good, for you, is good for
all, you allow each being outside of yourself- the right to be

Self-authority means- you give yourself the right to act in the right
and positive way, trusting the Microcosmic -Force.

Self-responsibility means you're responsible, for everything you do,
and choose to do, what others do is not your responsibility.

Self-respect means- high self-esteem, you trust, love yourself, and
you don't hesitate to act in the only way you can to be true to
yourself, trusting your feelings, includes the mind, but in not limited by it.

Self-trust is where you know within you is the ability to know
the truth, which is created within you as answers, not questions;
know you have the ability to work out of this truth. Truth is
individual; it creates the Microcosmic Force, but once the truth is acted upon,
whatever is left of the Microcosmic Force, is now its own entity, acting in the
only way it can to be true to itself.

Self-creative means- expressing yourself, with trust in your feelings,
trust in your ability to do your best, and if it doesn't come out the
best, it simply means you have to practice more, and being the best
means- simply accomplishing the goal you set for yourself; in this kind
of winning you're creating win-win-win ( you-what you have created
and the environment ).

Self-goals and accomplishments, are created and accomplished, by you
trusting your feelings, knowing the Microcosmic Truth, Seeing the way to
accomplish the goal, acting from within this truth, and being ready
to update this Truth, moment to moment, or to see it differently, and
know how to handle a problem that has occured.

Self-social ethics- trust your feelings, look at the beliefs of
others, pick and choose, what's right, for you; live your ethical

Self-determination/commitment. To have determination, you must have
commitment, for what you're doing- you get commitment by trusting your
feelings, and knowing it's the only act you can do to be true to
yourself. Determination is not enough, you must work with the Micr4ocosmic Force to
accomplish your goals and rewards.

Self-feelings, feelings are within your total being,
bodymind totality, and are creative, in all aspects, of your being.
Truth is found within you, for you, because you may only know what's
best for you, and may see what's best, for another, as long as the
unfoldment stays the same, but nothing is fixed, and can be
transformed at any time, but that which is physical, mental wants to
continue the ease of its work, by not going against what seems easy,
for something that's hard. Truth sets you free, live your freedom,
and be where freedom is, and danger is not.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

EG- # 117

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Daily life is filled with messages we may not see, if it strikes a
cord, we file it away, within our memory, and depending on how much it
touches us, it could become a block or repression, and cause us mental

When we accept a value given by something outside ourselves, we're
said to be intojecting it ( swallowing it and making it ours, by
saying we now own this value, which is not from within us, but taken
from someone outside of ourselves ).

Many people, who have low self-esteem, intoject on a continual basis,
seeing what others say as more important, than what they may see, for

Introjection comes from Gestalt Therapy, but this is only for the
mental and physical consciousness. What about the spiritual consciousness?

The Spiritual consciousness doesn't introject, nor does it have a low
self-esteem, it knows its high self-worth, and it looks at whatever
comes to it, deciding whether to accept its idea or not.

How do we stop this intorjecting lifestyle, by building high
self-esteem, within ourselves. One way to do this- is to realize, you
have gazillions of successes everyday. Little successes, which put
together, add up, to a huge success of living.

Each action you take during the day, which is a positive motivation in
your life, is a success. Example: getting out of bed, going to bed,
sleeping and resting, putting your clothes on, or getting out of bed
naked, wearing clothes around the house, or not wearing any clothes
around the house, and so on. Each small choice you follow through with
is a success, till at the end of the day, you have gathered a huge
success directly from small, throughout the day successes.

There are many reasons, for low self-esteem, but the main one is that
you don't trust your self to be able to be a success; to stop this
wrong idea, you utilize your small and big successes, to replace never
winning, to winning- multi-times a day.

Big success, then are whipcream, for the ice cream, which are your small

Second, we all carry tapes, within our minds, which are both negative
and positive, write down all the tapes you have introjected, choose
whether it 's positive, for you, or negative, if negative- say a
affirmation, to transform the negative to a positive.

Third, many people feel powerless, but they're in fact, the highest
power there is: Self-Genesis, with Self-Genesis comes the
potentiality, to have all the psychic powers, talents, abilites, skills
that are known; to do that, which goes beyond them all, within the
one source, of you; you within your totality.

You're the right person, for you; if you don't like who you are,
this means you're focusing on the negative, rather than the positive,
within you. Super Transform that focus onto the positive, continue
listing the negative tapes, and work on them, each day, transforming
them, to more positive ways, of being.

Remember to role play with these tapes ( negative ), to help you
understand what role these play in seeing them as good, for you. Two
chairs, you're in one chair, and the symbol is in the other. Start out
by aksing what do you have to say to me? You then, go to the other
chair- answering, for the dream character, you're wanting to get
information from. Don't think, simply answer what you feel the
character is feeling.

May the Microcosmic Force Be with You!

EG- # 116

(c) Zoua-Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

When we say we care for someone, we're saying we like them, they
interest us and we want to be around them. Second, we say- we care,
for someone, because we love them, as a friend, or romantically. Third,
we say we care, for someone, who is ill; we care, for them, to help
them, to get better, or if not, to help them, have a quality of life,
until they decide to leave the earthly plane. Four, we can care, for an
activity, a job, a car, etc..
Fifth, you can care about the music, which fills you- the best in all
areas of your life. Sixth, Parents care, for their children; siblings
for each other, and their parents. Seventh, you care about yourself,
build high esteem in yourself, build self-responsibility, show your
creative nature, be yourself. Eighth, you care about how you do
your job, interact with others, at your work. Ninth, you care about
the problems of the world, and the hungry. Tenth, you care enough
about doing something active, you donate money, volunteer, turn into
an activist, etc..

Care is a multiplicity word, but in all ways ,it shows a concern, a
respect, and a love of both the object of the caring, and the person
who's helping, because they care about others.

Caring is an affirmation- to build your character, your life and
your self-esteem. Add caring to your affirmations; build a caring
nature, a caring heart and a caring personality; act on all of them.

EG- # 115

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In our desire, our work, our love of self, to become the highest
spiritual being we can- the importance of affirmations, meditation,
repetition, Microcosmic Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings, Affirm Blessings cannot be overstated.

Affirmations are short, to the point- sentences, which tell- what you
want to transform within yourself. We use repetition of these sentences,
to create a transforming environment, around the psychological tape, we're
working on. Saying the affirmation a number of times- morning and
night, or as many times a day as necessary, shows you mean, to transform,
this tape, to a healthier insight and action, to be.

Microcosmic Blessing, Microcosmic Force Blessings, Affirm Blessings, can be created with small or astronomical numbers, at one time, it's up to you. Superstrengthen the affirmation, prayer,
etc., by superstrengthing it, with Microscosmic Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings, Affirm Blessings.

Your meditation needs to be blessed by Microcosmic Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings, before
you meditate, and after, at the same time, protect yourself.

EG- # 114

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010


One of the main things that makes us human, and what makes us able to
find our way through life- is feelings. Western man has made Reason
and Rational Emotions his Two Gods. Reason= man; Rational Emotions=
woman. This is a stereotype, which labels and categorizes, both male
and female experience, both of which are wrong.

Feelings are the answer you seek, without need of questions, to find,
an answer. Trusting your feelings, give to you, the insight ,as to what
you need to do without thinking; thinking has a habit of clouding the
Super Microcosmic Necessity Truth answer, which comes up naturally, if
you learn to listen to, and act out of your trust in your feelings.

The Microcosmic Force, which can be seen- by you acting to the trust in your
feelings- to act in the only way you can act to be true to yourself.
By acting, the action, not the completion of the act, you create the
Microcosmic Force; the Microcosmic Force creates the Microcosmic Force, it cannot be other, than Super
Microcosmic Necessity Truth. You have to act in the way you're
doing, for it's the necessary way, for you to do so, so you can
create the only act you can do to be true to yourself.

The Microcosmic Force is unknowable, within its totality, and just barely
knowable, in a limited sense, by doing this act you have to do to be
true to yourself. Super Microcosmic Truth is Necessity, for you, to
live the Microcosmic Force; create the Microcosmic Force; the Microcosmic Force is created within acts
anyone or anything must do to be the only act they can do to be true
to theirselves. Truth is found within the Microcosmic Force, but the Microcosmic Force is not
limited to what we can know of truth; it's beyond our knowing of the
truth of the Microcosmic Force, our own or anyone else's, for to know it- would be
to limit its action; we cannot limit it; we can only feel it's an
act of truth- we must do, to be true to ourselves, and by doing
this, we create and act with the Microcosmic Force.

The Microcosmic Force does not guide you, unless you act in the only way you can
act to be true to yourself, but the Microcosmic Force that's created, and which
is outside of you, acts in the Super Microcosmic Necessity Truth, for
it's the only action, that can be within it, for anything else is
mutually excluded, from being the Microcosmic Force. Super Microcosmic Necessity
Truth is within the Microc osmic Force; it's created, within the Microcosmic Force, so it
cannot be all that the Microcosmic Force is.

Trust your feelings, act in the only way you can act to be true
to yourself.

Friday, May 21, 2010

EG- # 113

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The state, and the society, within the state- is of necessary need, to
survive, not in harmony, with what's good, for the spiritual person.

You must walk life with self-authority, self-responsibility and self-
awareness, which will guide you, to the principles, you're comfortable
with; steering you away, from those life experiences, in which you
would have to show your disagreement, with the law, the order, or the
demand you do- that which is not a truth, for you.

When you walk the path of the Jedi and Dream Dancer, you trust your
feelings, at all times, allowing them, to show you the answer, rather
than the question.

The Microcosmic Force is created by you acting on the only act you can do to be
true to yourself; others see, and can work, from the the Microcosmic Force
your actions create, if they choose to.

The Microcosmic Force is within the act of creation; it's created in the world,
by your creating it, through acting, without thinking, in the only act
you can do to be true to yourself.

The Microcosmic Force, once released, stays within its individuality, but works in
network, with all other- The Microcosmic Force individual energies. Each Jedi and
Dream Dancer can work with the Microcosmic Force, by seeing what it's doing, and
doing the only act they can do to be true to themselves. This creates
a harmonic action, which gets the best of two truths, that work
together, and apart, to accomplish what is true, for both of them.

EG- # 112

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

We're the bringers of good, sad, or bad tidings, to those around us,
by how much we trust our feelings in making our choices and creating
action, to match our choice, instantly without thinking; we trust our
feelings, and by doing this- what we choose, becomes real.

Learn by trusting your feelings on small things, develop into
larger choices; know you're acting in the only way you can
act to be true to yourself. This creates theMicrocosmic Force, and what you
choose is the Microcosmic Force. The Microcosmic Force creates the Microcosmic Force.

We listen, hear, reflect, when needed, but most of the experiences of
our lives, we act in complete trust of our feelings. Feelings deal
in answers; not in questions. Your feelings know what's best, for you
to do, in amy instant.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You Here and Now!

EG- # 111

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In our lives, we use fear, to warn us of danger, to feel- something
isn't right, to protect our security, and to be- a warning system, for
attacks, and other warnings, we need to know about, and to know- the risk involved.

Fear is in balance; is done, in the only act you can do to be
true to yourself, then becomes a maker of the Microcosmic Force, and the Microcosmic Force
creates the Microcosmic Force.

There is negative fear, that overwhelms, keeps you from doing anything
to eleviate the situation, and keeps you from seeing how to end the fear,
and create positive action, by doing, the only act you can do to be true
to yourself.

Fear is a friend, when you use it, with the way you move, in knowing
you're creating the Microcosmic Force, and building, on your ability, to
protect yourself.

EG- # 110

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What is the definition of courage? There is no definition; it
defines itself, in the actions of those who act without thought, to
themselves, or who face incredible odds, or stand up, for their
rights, and help ohters stand up, for their rights, too.

Courage comes into being, when the situation demands courage be
created, to show the decision-making ability of the person, or persons,
involved in the situation, or who becomes involved, in it, because they
want to help.

Courage isn't carried around, it comes into being, with the creation
of the Microcosmic Force, through doing the only act you can do to be true to
yourself; that action, thought, decision creates the Microcosmic Force, which
helps your action, by being beyond, whatever experience, you have ever
had; it's the truth of your movements; in Microcosmic Truth- all
things, are possible.

Courage can be large or small, it isn't limited to only great
situations, but is there, in little situations, where decision of right
or wrong, etc., must be decided, by trusting your feelings, to know the
only act you can do to be true to yourself; by choosing to do
this- you create the Microcosmic Force; the Microcosmic Force adds to its its own unique
life energy, and draws other Microcosmic Force energy fields, to it, by each
knowing- their only act they can do to be true to itself is to
help add to the accomplishing of the truth the person, being, is

The Microcosmic Force is created whenever one acts in the only way they can to be
true to themselves, no matter what religion, philosophy, they

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, here and now!

EG- # 109

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

To try to change poison into water, is not the best answer, the best
answer is- not to drink the poison, at all.

In the Dune Series, the priestesses all had to change poison into
water, so they could see what the melange had done to them; what
it did to their bodies. They were basic addicts.

Any time, you allow something outside of yourself make you do
things, in which, if you weren't addicted you wouldn't do, you have a

Addicts, alcoholics, all, don't want to do what they do, at least, when
they hit bottom, but they do it anyway, until that time, when they're
so low, they can only go up.

Addiction comes in many forms, some are more hidden, and may seem not
to be worthy of being called addiction, but if it guides you to do
what you within yourself wouldn't do, thus going against the only act
you can do to be true to yourself- you are living a lie, and that lie,
can be what seems little, to something very dangerous, but it all
takes you away from you, the truth of you; you're living- not
what you are, but what you allowed your tastes, to bring into your
life, to control you.

Choose to be the truth you are, act in the only way you can act to be
true to yourself.

EG- # 108

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Do not look at the planet you live on, as something it is your right to
own, for in owning it, you believe you control it, and you don't. The
Earth is an individual, as such, is to be accorded the rights of an
individual; individuals are not owned, they have rights; every
planet, star, etc., is an individual.

Non-ownership is the way of the Jedi and the Dream Dancer, along with
non-competition and non-judgemental. We do not own anything, we're
grateful that whatever we have is with us; if it goes, it was time
for it to go.

This doesn't mean we condone stealing, because it was time, for it to
come to the robber, the criminal. We are protectors of what we have,
we protect it, to the best of our ability, but if it goes, we must
see, it was within its path, to do so; we put Mircosmic
Blessings upon it, for its next step, on its path.

Love is secondary to friendship, for love, you can drive yourself
crazy; in friendship- you're whole within yourself; you look to
yourself first; within these actions, you're helping, all the
others, around you.

Love isn't ownership, its freeing the one you love, to do what's best
for them, even if this means them leaving you. You want the person to
follow what's best, for them.

EG- # 107

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

One of the fallacies, that exist, and cause death, pain, suffering,
etc., is that thepolice are able to protect all people, within their zones,
they cannot. You must learn to protect yourself, martial arts,
boxing, or etc..

Yet another way exists: the martial art of TenDo: The Way of Peace.

Peace is the objective of the Jedi Knight and Dream Dancers. TenDo is
being developed and will be continually, working toward finding the
best way to create peace; perace can only be created by you, in
your choice of action, in any thing, you do.

Trust your feelings- is the way to create peace, and is the answer
found within you, for you are self-growth, and self-responsibility.

Self-responsibility says you're: authentic, honest, truth, caring,
sharing, aware, empathic, and work in what you do by trusting your

Self-responsibility is the choice, for every Jedi and Dream Dancer.

Accept responsibility, for your actions; allow all others
responsibility, for theirs. Do not take more than what is yours, no
matte,r how the other person(s) want to make you responsible for them, too.

Practice all of the above; happiness is yours:

Don't Worry; Be Happy

EG- # 106

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

It's time, for women and men, to stop doing and being what they're
made to do- by social norms, daily work needs, etc.. Business is the
opiate of the people, in that, it wants to make everyone into
disposable worker units, which they can let go, fire, and turn into a
liability, which the law or the government can then be forced to
support or allow to simply become one of the unsociety.

What is the unsociety, all you have to do is look at the homeless,
the unemployed, the people, who haven't worked in years, who are in
position, to lose everything they have, and you have- the unsociety.

There's only one answer to ending the unsociety, is to recognize
that capitalism is an elitest philosophy, who only recognizes
competitiors, who want to win, and who want to win over- all
competition. This is the flaw tearing the U.S. and other
western countries apart, and shall see them, try to destroy the
environment, in a competition with it, to show the planet, they're the

The win here means- death to the winner, but these single focus
idiots, would rather win and die, rather than stop trying to win, and
begin- to build.

Building means working together, not being competitive, and being
active caretakers, of the Earth; your environmental local needs, in

Competition is the heroin of sports, business, relationships, etc.,
it demands total focus- on it; it leaves no room, for amyone else, to
take the participant's eyes, from it.

Nations go to war, and want to destroy, rather than build.
Competition is destruction of community, and the exiting, of the human
race, from the Earth.

If humans cannot learn to build, then the planet is going to have to
erase them, for its own continuance.

This isn't necessary, learn to live with the Earth, your environments
and build, with others, rather than trying to win over them.

EG- # 105

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Heartbreak is the hardest hurt to work through, but it can be done,
especially, if you use your spiritual understanding, that if the person
has hurt you, then you shouldn't be with that person, anyway.

As long as you harbor harsh feelings against this person, you're
tied to them. Forgive them; let them go; you're free, your
own person, once again.

Remember- you found this one; you can find another, but better, for
you. To do this- you must look at your romantic patterns; find out
what it was about that person, which drew you, to them.

Once you find out all the things that drew you to him or her, then
look and see, which of these things aren't positive, and growth
oriented, for both of you.

Eliminate those, from what's going to draw you to someone, and when
it comes up, work through it; know, and say- you're more
important, than trying to do that which is going to hurt you, in the
long run.

Do not do those things you know are going to hurt you; don't
put on rose colored glasses, so you ignore the sign,s that are always
there, if this person is one you want to try to get to know.

Remember: in the first five minutes of talking with someone, you will
know whether they're right, to get to know, or not.

Along with this, go through a list of your good and bad points;
start working on enhancing the good, and transforming the bad, which
are seen as good, because they do something, for you, to positive steps
which is going to help you find the right love, for you.

EG- # 104

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Don't think of the Universe as simply a physical reality, who only
works, within physcial laws and realms. This level is simply the
beginning level.

Higher levels are consciousness awareness- of self; acting without
thinking, learning and growing, meditating and other levels.

Planets, stars, are whole beings, and have a consciousness. They know
what's being done to them, by those who live on them ( so be aware
humans- the Earth is well aware, who's trying to destroy it, because of
the greed of power and money ). They've processes, which can be
read; they have an aura, etheric double and Movements.

Interactions between it and the Universe, other planets, and other
species- is limited, because most living species are totally
concentrated on themselves, so they don't open themselves, to the
Planet, they live on.

The Earth doesn't need religions to tell it its spirituality, it
lives it, as do the Native Americans, but they must put above them a
figure like themselves, as do, most of the other religions.

Spirituality is found- within the being, not outside of it.
Responsibility for you, and your life, lies within you.

Configurations come about either by you being manipulated outside of
yourself, to join in a network experience, or you create
configurations, to help you live you life in the best possible way,
thorugh acting in the only way you can to be true to yourself.

Groups limit yo;, you only allow yourself, to be within the
interactional movement, of the network, not group, itself.

Do not be in groups, be in free open end interactions, in which
wholeness involves works off the interaction, by doing what's true, for
them, in any situation.

Only you can decide what's best and true, for you. This doesn't mean
you don't listen to that which is outside of you, it may have more
information, than you have, at the time, but your actions depends on
what you feel is true for you; you act on this without thinking,
about it, trusting your feelings.

Thinking is an activity of the bodymind, but isn't a requirement, for
life; its best use- of its opportunities, only your trust in your
feelings, and acting without thinking, to create the truth you have to
act out, for it's the only one, which is true, for you.

Comets, shooting stars, etc., are all wholes, whether they break off,
from anothe,r or not. Once they break off, then the new entity is the
one making consciousness decisions, for itself. Ergo, any other way is
the same.

Grass, is not grass, but each blade of grass is a whole unto itself,
thus every star, planet, etc., is a whole unto itself. It is
individual; makes its own decisions about where it needs to be, or
allows itself, to be the manipulative pawn of something outside of

All life, and everything in realities- is life, whether it moves or
not, is responsible, for itself. You may think you cause
something to move, because you're the agent of the move, but in
reality, you're doing what's necessary, for that, which you moved- to
act. You do a service for it, or them.

Communication isn't simply words, feelings communicate, positioning
of the body communicates, and many more things communicate, without
you being aware of them, unless you allow yourself to feel, and act
without thinking, so you, or they, are doing a service.

Music is the communication that's most appreciated, words
that don't say anything, but deliver a sound, message, etc., without
having the word mean anything, only the sound has meaning. This is
decontructionism- to the max.

Many languages in realities are not meant to have any meaning, but
only be a descriptive receptecale, for sounds, which give a truer
understanding, of what is meant, than words.

Music is the choice, to give the truest message and connatation, but
words can do the same, and be joined with music, to give an even deeper
interpretation, of what's wanted, to be imparted, to any, who hear the

Thursday, May 20, 2010

EG- # 103

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The Universe seems to be wide, and verybig, but that's just because
we see by distance, where in the worlds of the Microcosmic Force, and psychic
phenonmenon, distance doesn't exist.

We can go anywhere instantly, by astral projection; some can make
themselves physical enough, to do things, at that end, others are still
learning the technique.

Talents, abilities and skills are natural ( ones you do without
trying for they're part of your physical/mental/spiritual harmony,
you're born with.

The Psychic Hard Sciences are usually the ones that require you to
find a teacher, to help you cut off years of work, or you find out how
to do one of them, in a unique way, or you simply work at them, until
you can do them, without thinking.

All actions require actions be done, without thinking.
This shows you're trusting your feelings, which are trusting
the Microcosmic Force, and creating the Microocsmic Force, at the same time, you're doing that
which you must do to be true to yourself.

The Microcosmic Force is doing without thinking; knowing what isn't
used, becomes a whole, which has its own uniqueness, becoming The
Microcosmic Force, outside of any inner creativity, by other life forms.

The Microcosmic Force is around us, when it's within itself, our best interest
and best way to interact, to gain a goal, of some kind.

This doesn't mean it has to be dangerous, adventurous, etc., it
simply means a network is created, in which, you both work off
each other, and accomplish goals, individual and independent, of each
other, but to those looking outside it seems you're working together.

Does this mean working together is a no-no? You must act in the only
way you can act to be true to yourself. This excludes anyone else
making any decision or action, for you, in this sense, working
together means a lessening of your Microcosmic Force, but when you're working,
within the realm of others, and can act within yourself to choose what
act you must do to be true to yourself, it's okay, to be with
others, and by being creative, within that space-form configuration,
you can find the best thing, for you, perhaps, in your interaction-
with others.

EG- # 102

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

How does a Jedi or a Dream Dancer concern him/herself/itself with
politics? Politics are those actions, which take away, from the
individual's ability to know what's best, for them, to do in any
moment, so we do what's the only act we can do to be true to
ourselves, rather than be bound by human law, which is usually bound
by, who makes money, off of it.

Social responsibility is the idea of taking responsibility, for
helping others, who are less fortunate, than yourself, but in doing
this, if you do, for the other person, you're not helping them, but are,
in fact, hurting them, by not allowing them, to create the Microcosmic Force, by
acting in the only way they can to be true to themselves. This
creates the Microcosmic Force; whatever isn't used, becomes the Microcosmic Force, whole
unto itself, interacting with others, but does so, in the only way
they can act to be true to themselves.

Social responsibility is where people buy stocks in corporations,
so they can have a say in trying to stop the corporation, from doing
things, which are reprehensive in scope and value.

Social Responsibility must not take away, from the individual's
natural ability, to know what's the only act they can do to be true
to themselves.

If it's within the person's only act they can do to be true to
themselves, then they must do it. If it's only a political move,
it doesn't create the Microcosmic Force; conflict is usually the
outcome; instead of creating the Microcosmic Force, the Dark Side of the
Force comes out, gaining powe,r from the low twilight skirmishes,
between, differing philosophies.

Conflict is when one person, being, wants to convince another
the'r way is right. Taking away, from the other person, the ability to
know what's right, for them. They cover it up, by saying it's
the best, for the other person, as it is, for them, but this is simply
trying to control the other, to gain power, over them.

Should a Jedi become involved in politics? A Jedi is their own guide
and law; they do what's best for them, in any act they do, so
they do not need governments, to tell them, what they can and cannot

Does this mean they're going to go loggerheads, with the governments?
Usually, no, but it does mean it's a possibility,again the Jedi
must do what's the only act they can to to be true to themselves.
Politics and governments are made so the ruthless can protect
themselves, from the others, who only want to live and play, without
harm or exploitation.

A Jedi trusts the Microcosmic Force; they Trust themselves, to know what's the only
act they can do to be true to themselves.

The Microcosmic Force is created by the actions of doing the only act a
Jedi can do to be true to themselves! This is beyond the limitation of
physical, mental and spiritual, for it's truth; the Jedi is going
to do what's necessary, for it, to do. They will help a Jedi, guide
a Jedi, or will allow themselves, to be guided by- the Microcosmic Force. A mutual friendship.

EG- # 100

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Everything is life; life is formed by life energy; life energy
forms by function of what the spirit needs to work on, theroize and
test out, and on what the spirit feels it needs to accomplish.

Within each spirit, is the capability, of creating the Microcosmic Force, through
acting in the only way the spirit can act to be true to itself. This
is how the spirit of experience is guided; if necessary, bypassed,
by the knowing of the being, of what's right, for it's form, by the
function, of acting in the only way it can act to be true to itself,
the Microcosmic Force is created by the spirit and the being, acting in the only
way it can to be true to itself; if the spirit cannot see this,
because of its need to think what it needs, then the being intermixes
this blindness, with the ability to see beyond it, by trusting its

Being and Spirit working together create a Master, and a Master
creates the Microcosmic Force, by acting in the only way they can to be true to

EG- # 99

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Should Religion be involved in the governing of the Nation. No!

Religious fervor or belief- is fine, but must be held back, from
interfering with governement, which must include all religions and
beliefs, that do not advocate violence, against those citizens, found
within the state, who are in fact, the real state, which many
politicians, seem to forget.

The state is an institution, a beauracacy, who starts to sees itself
more important, than the people, it serves. It turns the situation, it
starts, with the idiotic statement of Kennedy: Do not ask what your
country can do for you but what you can do for your country.

This statement is the final statement of a beauracacy, who sees itself,
to be what all citizens are living and working for, to feed the
endless gut of need- the government creates, to make itself ,even more
indespensible, to its feeders, than it was before.

The state does not exist. It is an illusion. The government is meant
to serve the people; not the people, serve the state.

Representative, and all forms, of government are psychotic, when a
person tries to be normal, and tries to do what the state tells them
is normal, they're actually being made to be more ill, than they were,

The state does not know what normal is; its a big overfat behemoth,
who's an addict to taxes, and power over its citizenry; what's a
good Congressperson do, to self-enrich him or herself.

President Bush wants to be king, and has passed the Patriotic Act ,to
help him and his friends, achieve this goal. He dreams of calling
for martial law, which then would progress, to him being named King
of Bushland. He is a dangerous man, and has to be voted out of
office, this year, 2004.

What can you do? Feel for yourself! Do what you believe is the only
act you can do to be true to yourself, Create the Microcosmic Force by doing
this, know in doing so, the Microcosmic Force creates the MIcrocosmic Force, as well,
so your act continues creating acts that must be done, to be true to

Do not look to anyone, for what's normal, normal doesn't exist, only
feeling, what's the only act you can do to be true to yourself- be
your only guide; you will be a Jedi or a Dream Dancer.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you!

EG- # 98

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Nakedness is a moral sin, to many Americans, especially to the
religions, found, within countries.

Nakedness is simply another fashion; it's just as solid a fashion
statement, as any other. The natural expressor needs to be able to
function and trust their feelings, under every circumstance. Nakedness
is one of those states, within their environments.

You need to be as comfortable naked in front of others, as you are,
when you are alone, in your own private environments.

Free Beaches are found around the country; they can be a way of
becoming adjusted, to the naked state.

Going to nudist camps, is satisfactory, but these take the social
norms of the society, with them, they're not the best place ,to
practice nakedness and natural expression.

Social norms are ways of trying to keep people, from making their own
decisions, keeping them under the thumb, of social powerbrokers.

You must learn to make your own decisions, your life, your freedom,
and your ability, to create the truth found within you, expressed
outside, in your chosen environments.

How do you do that? Trust your feelings, listen, hear and act without
thinking- to what you know is the only act you can do to be true to
yourself. Practice this; it will become easier and easier.

You do not need politicians, laws, courts, etc., to do what's right,
many times, the former, wants you to do what's wrong, so social truth
becomes the only truth that matters, when you know the only truth you
can act under is that which you feel is the only act you can do to be
true to yourself.