Thursday, May 20, 2010

EG- # 100

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Everything is life; life is formed by life energy; life energy
forms by function of what the spirit needs to work on, theroize and
test out, and on what the spirit feels it needs to accomplish.

Within each spirit, is the capability, of creating the Microcosmic Force, through
acting in the only way the spirit can act to be true to itself. This
is how the spirit of experience is guided; if necessary, bypassed,
by the knowing of the being, of what's right, for it's form, by the
function, of acting in the only way it can act to be true to itself,
the Microcosmic Force is created by the spirit and the being, acting in the only
way it can to be true to itself; if the spirit cannot see this,
because of its need to think what it needs, then the being intermixes
this blindness, with the ability to see beyond it, by trusting its

Being and Spirit working together create a Master, and a Master
creates the Microcosmic Force, by acting in the only way they can to be true to

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