Friday, May 21, 2010

EG- # 112

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

We're the bringers of good, sad, or bad tidings, to those around us,
by how much we trust our feelings in making our choices and creating
action, to match our choice, instantly without thinking; we trust our
feelings, and by doing this- what we choose, becomes real.

Learn by trusting your feelings on small things, develop into
larger choices; know you're acting in the only way you can
act to be true to yourself. This creates theMicrocosmic Force, and what you
choose is the Microcosmic Force. The Microcosmic Force creates the Microcosmic Force.

We listen, hear, reflect, when needed, but most of the experiences of
our lives, we act in complete trust of our feelings. Feelings deal
in answers; not in questions. Your feelings know what's best, for you
to do, in amy instant.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You Here and Now!

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