Saturday, May 22, 2010

EG- # 116

(c) Zoua-Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

When we say we care for someone, we're saying we like them, they
interest us and we want to be around them. Second, we say- we care,
for someone, because we love them, as a friend, or romantically. Third,
we say we care, for someone, who is ill; we care, for them, to help
them, to get better, or if not, to help them, have a quality of life,
until they decide to leave the earthly plane. Four, we can care, for an
activity, a job, a car, etc..
Fifth, you can care about the music, which fills you- the best in all
areas of your life. Sixth, Parents care, for their children; siblings
for each other, and their parents. Seventh, you care about yourself,
build high esteem in yourself, build self-responsibility, show your
creative nature, be yourself. Eighth, you care about how you do
your job, interact with others, at your work. Ninth, you care about
the problems of the world, and the hungry. Tenth, you care enough
about doing something active, you donate money, volunteer, turn into
an activist, etc..

Care is a multiplicity word, but in all ways ,it shows a concern, a
respect, and a love of both the object of the caring, and the person
who's helping, because they care about others.

Caring is an affirmation- to build your character, your life and
your self-esteem. Add caring to your affirmations; build a caring
nature, a caring heart and a caring personality; act on all of them.

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