Wednesday, May 19, 2010

EG- #93

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

There are many ways to communicate; language is the worse of the lot.
Wilhelm Reich says language can lie, bodymind doesn't. You show by
your non-verbal communication- the truth, when you speak; the listener
only has to watch and listen, to your bodymind.

Non-verbal techniques are helpful, when dealing with telepathic
communications/impression/coverage. Don't listen to the words, for
they're only a doorway, to what lies behind the gates ( words, etc. ).
ETs do not see how we humans can understand what's trying to be said,
when we limit ourselves, to works, rather than Akadapa, far beyond the
gates of limitation.

In any telepathic message- the least informing, is the words, but you
can either focus on the meaning behind the words, or the meaning
behind the entire message. Don't think, relax, do; feel the truth- of
the message.

Don't limit yourself to trying to direct what you see, relax and allow
yourself to see what's necessary, for you to see, at that, particual
moment. The figures you see are important, at this moment, the
background is there ,to color in the meaning, of what you're looking at.

Gestalt therapy gave us the insight of figure/background, in dreams,
but also, in how, we choose our figures, in any environment, we go into.

Live super here and now; trust your feelings, feel the true
experience, a message is the gateway for.

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