Saturday, May 1, 2010

EG- # 28

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Don't think of the Universe as simply a physical reality, who only
works, within physcial laws and realms. This level- is simply, the
beginning level.

Higher levels are consciousness awareness of self; acting without
thinking, learning and growing, meditating and other levels.

Planets, stars, are whole beings, and have consciousness. They know
what's being done to them, by those, who live on them ( so be aware
humans- the Earth is well aware, who is trying to destroy it, because of
the greeds of power and money ). They have processes which can be
read; they have an aura, etheric double and Movements.

Interactions between them and the Universe, other planets, and other
species, is limited, because, most living species are totally
concentrated on themselves, so they don't open themselves, to the
Planet- they live on.

The Earth doesn't need religions to tell it its spirituality, it
lives it, as do the Native Americans, but they must put above them a
figure like themselves, as do, most, of the other- religions.

Spirituality is found within the being, not outside of them.
Responsibility for you and your life, lies within- you.

Configurations come about either by you being manipulated outside of
yourself to join in a network experience, or you create
configurations that help you live your life in the best possible way,
through acting in the only way you can to be true to yourself.

Networks limit you; you only allow yourself, to be within, the
contest, of the network, itself.

Do not be in networks, be in free open end interactions, in which,
being whole, involves working off interactions, by doing, what's true, for
them, in any situation.

Only you can decide what's best and true for you. This doesn't mean
you don't listen to that which is outside of you, that may have more
information, than you have, at the time, but your actions depends on
what you feel is true for you and you act on this, without thinking,
about it.

Thinking is an activity of the bodymind, but isn't a requirement, for
life, and best use of its opportunities, only your trust in your
feelings, and acting without thinking, to create the truth you have to
act out- for it's the only one true, for you.

Comets, shooting stars, etc., are all wholes, whether they break off
from another or not. Once they break off, then the new entity is the
one making consciousness decisions, for itself.

Grass, is not grass, but each blade of grass is a whole unto itself,
thus every star, planet, etc., is a whole unto itself. It is
individual, and makes its own decisions, about where it needs to be, or
allows itself to be the manipulative pawn, of something outside of

All life, and everything in realities is life, whether it moves or
not, is responsible, for itself. You may think that you cause
something to move, because you're the agent of the move, but in
reality, you're doing what's necessary, for that, which you moved to
act. You do a service for it, or them.

Communication isn't simply words, feelings communicate, positioning
of the body communicates, and many more things communicate, without
you being aware of them, unless you allow yourself, to feel, and act,
without thinking, so you, or they, are doing a service.

Music is the communication, most appreciated, and words,
that don't say anything, but deliver a sound, message, etc., without
having the word mean anything, only the sound has meaning. This is
decontructionism to the max.

Many languages, in realities, are not meant to have any meaning, but
only be a descriptive receptecale, for sounds, which give a truer
understanding of what is meant, than words.

Music is the choice, to give the truest message and connatation, but
words, can do the same, and be joined with music, to give an even deeper
interpretation, of what's wanted to be imparted, to any who hear the

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