Saturday, May 15, 2010

EG- # 80

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The question is- do we become part of the political system, in your
country; is it spiritual- to do so; do we owe our fellow countrymen-
our vote?

You're a member of the state, so as a citizen, you want to vote on the
secular politics of the state, but with the full realization-
politics is- who has the secular power, is the one, who makes the rules.
We vote, but we don't do that, which goes against our spiritual
insights. Does this mean- we break the law- only as a last resort,
and if we do, we must be willing, to back up what we do.

What does this mean? It means- if you choose to break the law, then you
must decide- what you're going to do about it, if you run afou,l of the
secular police force or military.

Do we go to war, with the state, if they do that, which we totally
disagree with? Do we expend our abilities, talents and skills, to take
on the military might, of our country, and anyone, who may try to take
advantage of the situation?

This is a personal decision, but it must be made with your spiritual
certainty- it's the right decision, for you. We're peacecreators;
we do counterinsurgency, only when it's the last resort, and only
if this is our true belief it is the right thing to do.

Voting is what you do for yourself, and for your fellow countrymen-
action comes by spiritual feelings, without thinking. You do what you
have to do- to be you.

You have to be sure you have the talent to be able to defend
yourself against those who would shut you down, before taking the step
of creating counterinsurgency actions against the state, group or
planet, who wants to shut you down.

You are a government, within yourself; you are your military,
statesperson, provider, etc., when something doesn't feel right, to
you, then you try to get it removed through legal process, if it
is something you feel strongly about, you can get others, to join
you. If this doesn't work, then demonstrations, or you, can present a
strong political force, and run for government positions, or become a
freedom creator.

Finally, you can transform the situation via talent, or you can leave
and create your own space, where those laws don't apply. If force is
used against you, you have the right to protect yourself, to the point
where you can leave, without fearing harm.

If the law is used against you, and then the state goes against you;
your response is guided by trusting your feelings; and your ability to
hold your own, against this force.

The main idea is- we're peacecreators, who only defend themselves
and don't start wars, fights, etc.. We will defend ourselves,
against any form of violence or threat of violence, but only after all
other ways are done, to mediate the situation.

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