Thursday, May 20, 2010

EG- # 102

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

How does a Jedi or a Dream Dancer concern him/herself/itself with
politics? Politics are those actions, which take away, from the
individual's ability to know what's best, for them, to do in any
moment, so we do what's the only act we can do to be true to
ourselves, rather than be bound by human law, which is usually bound
by, who makes money, off of it.

Social responsibility is the idea of taking responsibility, for
helping others, who are less fortunate, than yourself, but in doing
this, if you do, for the other person, you're not helping them, but are,
in fact, hurting them, by not allowing them, to create the Microcosmic Force, by
acting in the only way they can to be true to themselves. This
creates the Microcosmic Force; whatever isn't used, becomes the Microcosmic Force, whole
unto itself, interacting with others, but does so, in the only way
they can act to be true to themselves.

Social responsibility is where people buy stocks in corporations,
so they can have a say in trying to stop the corporation, from doing
things, which are reprehensive in scope and value.

Social Responsibility must not take away, from the individual's
natural ability, to know what's the only act they can do to be true
to themselves.

If it's within the person's only act they can do to be true to
themselves, then they must do it. If it's only a political move,
it doesn't create the Microcosmic Force; conflict is usually the
outcome; instead of creating the Microcosmic Force, the Dark Side of the
Force comes out, gaining powe,r from the low twilight skirmishes,
between, differing philosophies.

Conflict is when one person, being, wants to convince another
the'r way is right. Taking away, from the other person, the ability to
know what's right, for them. They cover it up, by saying it's
the best, for the other person, as it is, for them, but this is simply
trying to control the other, to gain power, over them.

Should a Jedi become involved in politics? A Jedi is their own guide
and law; they do what's best for them, in any act they do, so
they do not need governments, to tell them, what they can and cannot

Does this mean they're going to go loggerheads, with the governments?
Usually, no, but it does mean it's a possibility,again the Jedi
must do what's the only act they can to to be true to themselves.
Politics and governments are made so the ruthless can protect
themselves, from the others, who only want to live and play, without
harm or exploitation.

A Jedi trusts the Microcosmic Force; they Trust themselves, to know what's the only
act they can do to be true to themselves.

The Microcosmic Force is created by the actions of doing the only act a
Jedi can do to be true to themselves! This is beyond the limitation of
physical, mental and spiritual, for it's truth; the Jedi is going
to do what's necessary, for it, to do. They will help a Jedi, guide
a Jedi, or will allow themselves, to be guided by- the Microcosmic Force. A mutual friendship.

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