Saturday, May 15, 2010

EG- # 83

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

We live in a social order, in which we buy our food, in a grocery
store. We do not have direct contact, with raising our food, unless we
choose to.

How is this so? By the independent farmers of America and the world,
working long hours, and being, at the whim, of nature.

The American Independent Farmer is the backbone, of our ability, to buy
at the supermarket, and not have to work in the garden, etc., to
create our food supply.

There's another method of raising animals for food, and in raising
crops, for consumption- the corporate pirates way. What is that,
feeding the animals with short term high vitamins, etc., and not
bothering to give them what they need, to be healthy animals. No, they
don't care if they're being mistreated; they simply want to make as
much profit as possible. Profit is the only thing, that matters, to the
corporations of the United States and the world.

Corporate farming is the height of cruelty to animals, criminal
activity against animals, and total disregard, for their health, while
they're being fattened up, and shot up, with chemicals, to give them the
right flavor meat, etc..

Corporate farms, and those who run them, are the dregs, of our society;
they're the lowest of the low, even among criminal layers, of
social, heirarchial power and common sense.

The cruelty of human corporate monsters knows no bounds; they try
everyway, to cut corners, toincrease their profits.

These corporate trash hounds need to be arrested, for animal cruelty,
and placed in a place, that will give them back what they gave to these
animals, in their rotten prison farms.

Independent American Farmers are the heroes of the fair and bountiful
way of raising crops, and raising animals, to slaughter. They treat the
animals with dignity, with an eye, to getting the best price, for the
animal, who hasn't been a sick idea, of a madman, who only wants to feed
on money and profit, but have been raised with thoroughness and

Not that the IAFs don't have their problems; like government payouts -to
not grow crops; tariffs to keep their crops lower, and at the same
time, trying to make other countries, through the government, lower
their tariffs and taxes, on American, imported crops.

They tend to act out of self-interest; whether it's good, for the
country, or not. Farm relief is an ingrained belief in farmers of
America; they should have government subsides, because their work is
hard, and that, work may not pan out, not because of them, but because
of nature. They feel they need, and that, they earn, those farm
subsidies, to help them stay in business.

Still, without them, city folk and rural folk would starve to death,
because the stupid way we have built our cities, we don't have enough
space, and original earth, to grow enough, for everyone.

We're one step, from being in a food disaster, at any time. We're
totally dependent on the American Farmer ( foreign crops and animal
cuts are higher, than if we buy the food, we raise on American soil ),
and if they stop growing; city folk stop eathing, and food wars begin.

Learn how to survive if the food doesn't flow, to the supermarkets, and
you have to survive, with your own food growth, production and methods.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

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