Friday, May 14, 2010

EG- # 65

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What about males? Women have attitudes and expectations, that males
will be so-so, if there not, they start backing away, and in
many/some cases actually get a divorce, because the male, in someway,
don't meet their expectations and fantasy.

Women, like men, want to be right, the winner, and will fight until
they feel they have won. They say men don't like to communicate, but
in many cases, men don't say anything, because the woman doesn't want
to communicate, she wants to win over the male.

Women don't seem to understand- if you back a male, into the
corner, he's going to get out of that corner, anyway he can. This
includes physical battle. Put a male into a corner verbally or
otherwise, he's going to try to fight his way out of it, either
in the same mode the woman is in, or in male positional power
structure response.

Women feel they know more than males about relationships, and in many
cases, they're just as damaging, as a male could be. No one knows how
to build the right relationship. It isn't a stagnant reaching to
perfection; then you don't have to look at it anymore, but an ongoing
working on the relationship, to keep it interesting, fun and loving.

Women seem to think the house and the interior is theirs, to do with
what they want, they don't want the man, to have anything in the house
that says male. They want to create the environment that fits best
with them; this will turn off their male companions, who see
their interests, etc., aren't being taken into consideration, at all.

Women have internal rage, at being victims of a male world, they have
rage at not having the same economic opporturnities as males, ditto
with the chance of finding a job, that will pay them well. Women have
to be concerned- a male isn't going to beat them, force them to
do what they don't want. The man has to do what she expects, or seem perverted, if it doesn't mesh with
her idea of what is appropriate sex and what isn't. This last is trying to have power and control.

Women don't see themselves being able to get onto the power structure
that is in operation, for men and men children. Women, or at least
some women, see the activities, of their male children as trying to
control them, as their adult counterparts do. They want to punish the child, taking it
out on the child, so he won't be an abuser or dehumanize women, like
adult males do.

Women get hurt by men, and men get hurt by women, but this can be
gotten over, when it is healthy pain, and you work through it. It
becomes obessive and dangerous, when the person fuses, with the other
person to the point they live through them. Second, it's the male, who
wants to own what's his; what's his, is his, until he wants to
let go of it, then he let's go of the woman, and doesn't give her a
second thought.

Two people can't be together, and expect not to hurt the other one, in
someway, as through unconscious actions, etc. You forgive and go on,
if you can't forgive, then you know, that here is an area, you must
work on, for you can go only so far in Jedi training, if you aren't
able, to forgive yourself and others.

Men who want to own everything they consider theirs, use a woman's
children against her ( though they aren't her children, they're
their children ); the male will hurt the children, to make the
woman do what he wants, or to get back at her, he will kill her, and
the children, for she's an owned object and doesn't have the right to
run away from him.

Yet, males in general, like to be open and honest, if it isn't going to
lead them into a big scene, where the woman gets verbally abusive. If
you fight verbally, and go after someone and won't stop, you're a
verbal abuser.

Both men and women must listen to themselves, in daily activities, and
find the areas, within their actions, that need work on, and do that
work, with the conscious goal, of becoming, a Jedi or a Dream Dancer.

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