Wednesday, May 19, 2010

EG- # 89

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, PhD., 2010

Many people fear commitment;s the reason for this is- they see a
block put on their way of living, even if love's involved.

Being fenced in, by anything, means- they've have to step up to the plate
and be responsible, for doing what they said they would do. It means
building something tangible or intangible. It means standing behind
your word; many don't see their word as meaning too much, for it
comes from them.

This self-image is created by their life up to the point they're now
at; plus, how they handle what happened, and how they processed it, for
their betterment or loss.

What they don't see is- total freedom doesn't exist, because of
the choices we make, we're creating a person environment, which all
other environments, people, etc., flow around, even if you deny
you have the ability, to make a choice, you're making a choice.

Commitment then means- being aware, you're the captain of your
flagship, yourself, your bodymind; no matter what you do, you're
making decisions and solving problems, thus quite capable of living
your life, in the way you want.

Fear is another reason, for people to feel they cannot commit, because
they're afraid of themselves and what they might do. They're in
denial- of self-responsibility. They have divorced themselves, from the
self-knowledge- they're responsible, for all their actions, and
whatever choices they make. They try to figure out their world, rather
than living and feeling it.

Relationships, marriage, etc., is another place, where many don't won't
to make a commitment, because of the responsibility to another person,
to have to do what you may not want to do, because the person you love
wants to do it, you have to share your life ( many see this as an
invasion of their personal space, and right, to make their own choices-
though what they're really saying is- I don't trust myself, to be
right in the future, so I choose to be the bad guy/girl now ), you
have to be bigger than you may think you can be, etc.. All of these
are copouts, but this doesn't make them less of a problem. To
understand commitment, you have to define it: commitment is to be
yourself; to work or not, with others, in a way, you have agreed to
do; you have created self-responsibility, that you want to
keep ( not have to keep- for this isn't a imprisoning, but a spreading
your wings, and growing, in a new and exciting way ).

Commitments are made not to keep you from being yourself, but to
explore facets of yourself you have not explored before, or have
explored, and you want to make choices, that will allow you to
achieve your goals, if the other, commitments didn't work out, either
because of your own inability, to follow through, or the other person's.

Committing to study, to spiritual quests, to travel the world, are as
valid as making commitments to others; it's your choice, but in making
them- trust your feelings; do the only thing you can do to be true
to yourself; you're truly committed, to being you, and living your
life in harmony with the truth that lies within you, as you create the
MicrocosmicForce; within that creation is the expression of peace, harmony,
love and tranquility, and doing the best you can by being you, in your
true identity; you let go of the need of an image, which is a
fantasy you try to live up to, or do live up to your or others

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