Wednesday, May 5, 2010

EG- # 37

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

No matter the situation- the present, past, future, the now, the
inbetween, the astral, the etheric, the discovering, the beyonds,
super etc., you always have a way to deal with what you're feeling, and
what can bring a positive resolvement of a problem, or help in
expanding and strengthing the positive, happening in your, or
others lives.

Creating any number of Microcosmic Blessings gives new Super Crystal
White Light, upon the situation, the process, the blockage, etc..

Microcosmic Blessings is the blessings of your total being, on whoever
you direct these Microcosmic Blessings, to.

Microcosmic Blessings are the highest energy there is ,next to yourself
acting, within the situation, yourself. Microcosmic Blessing has nothing
it cannot not do, but it does only what works with the only acts the
person, or you, are doing, to be true to yourself.

Microcosmic Blessings are based, created from, your trust, in your
feelings, and your trust, in your spiritual, microcosmic energy, to work
with the person, animals, plant, etc., to find the correct answer, to
whatever it is they want help on.

Microcosmic Blessings is joined by Affirm Blessings, when working, with
other spiritual persons, etc., who believe macrocosmically, so
distorted energy won't be created in the collobrative effort, to help

Microcosmic Blessings are the only act you can do to be true to
yourself, whenever you create, practice or live them.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

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