Monday, May 10, 2010

EG- 53

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What's in a Miracle, simply a Miracle, Miracles aren't the
p;rivate reserve, for any one philosophy or religion, but Miracles
exist, for all.

You can receive, be the creator of a Miracle, view a Miracle, etc.,
for Miracles are for everyone, and everyone has the same chance, for a
Miracle, to happen to them.

You can create a Miracle in your life, by opening yourself to it; by
doing good, and doing value, for others, and by doing so, you create a
Miracle, and Miracles like to join this high company; other Miracles will
happen to you or around you. You could be a Miracle Whisperer.

Many times Miracles are the result of hard work, prayere,
affirmations, living good, helping others, etc., when we put these
good energies out, good energies are drawn to their own.

You don't have to be religious to experience a Miracle; you may not
even be a good person, but within you, somewhere, is a goodness that
draws like energy to itself.

May the Microcosmic Force Be With You!

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