Saturday, May 1, 2010

EG- # 26

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The war machine, of the U.S., is in full gear; if there were more
human cogs, within it, the President would be in more countries -trying
to take them over.

Power is the need to control your environment.

If you want power, then you want to win over all elements, within your

This means- you're at war, with what's keeping you alive, and
what's not trying to kill you, but you're trying to kill it.

Competition is said to be the best way a person can be; this means
being totally self-centered, working only in ways, that show you- at
your best, and being totally focused on- to win, for you, and not for
anyone else.

Sports is said, to be the winner, for the person, to learn to be the
best he can be, outside of the military. This is ludicrous. Sports is
all about blinding yourself, to the reality- of self-responsibility,
and to blend, and follow others, lead.

When you follow leadership, you're in a chess game, in which, you
become- an expendable piece. Leaders don't look at how many they
lose, only how they can- win.

Wars come, so leaders, can show what leaders they are, in dangersous
situations; this allows them, to go up the military, political,
etc., ladder.

Leadership is the fallacy, of the best way, to organize; it's the
worst. Leadership takes away half your ability, to make decisions, for
themselves, and makes them into followers, rather than natural
expressing people, who follow what's true for them, by trusting their
feelings, and acting on this, without thinking about it.

Don't follow leaders, become a natural expressors, of what's true and
best for you, every instant of your life.

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