Wednesday, May 12, 2010

EG- # 61

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Women are the target of insidious men all over the world, there is an
unspoken conspiracy against women; men are such needy folk, that
they cannot stand to have a woman go against what they feel is in her
best interest ( read to do what they say without question ). Men are
more than chauvenist, they're the Killing Field, when it comes to
the world's women ( these are men, who don't see women as equal, and
know they own them ); the murder rate of women by men, more
than makes- this obvious.

Women have to learn to protect themselves, and take on these control
freaks, and ownsership freaks- directly. If they come after you with a
gun, threaten you with a weapon, etc., be ready to take them out.

You have to be your own protector, no one else is going to do it, for
you. Don't count on the police, who are male dominated, and many of
them, are the worse women beaters, around.

Laws, politics are all against you. You have to stand up for
yourself, you have to make the powers that be, give you money to make
you equal in ability with men, to live separate lives- with or without

If your Lesbian, then your chance is doubled of being murdered, beat-
up, etc., by the local or non-local men, because you don't want them,
you only want the softness, of another woman. This means your a freak,
or you're not a woman, but a thing. All women are things, to the type
of men, who beat them up, scar them, or murder them.

Jedi want women to learn how to protect themselves, from any male, who
would have her be what they want her to be, rather than respecting,
the woman's own uniuqeness. This type of man can quickly become a beater, a
criminal, then a murderer.

The laws of the state are for men, not women; women, who try to
get representation, from the state, might as well look for their

Men, who don't murder women, but abide by the male rule over women, are
supporting the murder of women, by their attitudes. Men who abuse
women are criminals; women, who abuse men, are criminals, too, you
can't have equality, without equal responsibility.

Does this mean women have to be less feminine, if that's how
they want to be. No, each woman is unique; she must stop
subverting her need to be free with shopping, clothes, housework,
etc., and proclaim her freedom- to be who she is, without help, from
anyone man or woman or child.

The Jedi and Dream Dancers stand behind women, who want to be free of
men's rule, or their viciousness, and stand behind women, to make laws,
which will protect them, from men's rule and murderous rages.

Wome are welcome, to become Jedi or Dream Dancers, to learn psychic
proweress, and to become guide-ministers. We not only welcome you,
but we need your presence and your input.

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