Tuesday, May 11, 2010

EG- # 59

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Women have been the largest group, to be under dire threat, in the
history, of the world. They have had violence against them, from the
time, we know- men and women, existed.

Men seem to think killing, being outside, makes them natural
rulers, of women. It does not.

Women are trained by their mothers, reinforced by their fathers,
to be this wimpy wisp, of an individual, who only does what her man,
or the men, in her family, want her to be, as if, she didn't have a brain,
in her head.

Women are just as capable of men, in every way. Men are ego maniacs, in
most cases, in which a man can't stand the thought of a woman being
more than he is; women should know their place, of being, put on
the earth, to serve them, and give them sex. If it gives children,
fine, so men have another way of tying women, to the way, they want
them, to be.

Women need to wake up to the fact, they're being abused, life-
abused, if not being physically, verbally, mentally or spiritually
abused. Not only are you being abused, but you're male, dominate
beserker's target, if you try to be yourself.

Women are different than men, but this doesn't say, they're to
be dominated by man, because man has more muscle, than brains. Power
is not the answer to life; its the anti of a healthy life; males
use it against women, every moment, of the woman's life.

Women are in a war to survive against their male counterparts, who (
the men ) are likely to go postal, when a woman isn't doing what they
tell her to. They're so insecure inside, they have to create
heirarchial power, over the woman, to be able to feel, they have self-

What to do about this?

1. Stop raising women, to be toys, for men.
2. Raise women to be whatever she wants to be, especially, if that
means going into a man's world, which doesn't exist, and doing those
jobs, men want to keep, for themselves.
3. Women need to have work, too, making what's necessary, for them, to
live on, without having to depend on a man, who wants her, to be under
his thumb.
4. Women's lives and happiness, does not depend on a man or men.
5. Men in her family have no right to think they can dominate or harm
her, for not doing, what they feel is proper.
6. When a man says you don't respect him, be ready to fight back, and
don't stop at only trying to get away, be ready to do whatever is
necessary, to survive.
7. Train yourself in the martial arts.
8. Learn how to be aggressive, when it's necessary, to do so.
9. Stop trying to be what you're not, be true to yourself, act in the
only way you can to be true to yourself.
10. Don't let the idea of motherhood and family, make you a slave to
11. Romance and Love is beautiful, when equal; its slavery, when it's
12. Be proud of you; don't bury yourself, in a lie, so a man won't
feel threatened.
13. Know how to provide, for yourself, and your children.
14. Don't look at being simply a housewife; you have to know how to
survive, if you have to, and you're on your own.
15. Remember- even if the man loves you, he's a dominate first, then
a lover. He wants respect; he usually hasn't earned, and isn't
capable, of giving back, in return.
16. Don't do all the tasks; make it a partnership.
17. Both men and women converse to win, rather than to share, learn
to share with others, not having to win the conversation.
18. If you find a man, who treats you without having to be dominate-
over you, good for you, you have a unique and unusual man.

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